
Side Story: Just a Thought


Grade 9: Final Semester - So many things happening around me

Grade 9: Final Semester - Reminder


Grade 9: Final Semester - Nice talk

Grade 9: Final Semester - Behind The Scenes

Another Horizon - The “end” in Sugar’s eyes

Side Story: A nemesis friend

Grade 9: Final Semester - From another’s horizon

Sidestory - High school dramas

Grade 9: Final Semester - In between

Grade 9: Second Semester/Spring Break - The New Beginning and Saying Goodbye

Grade 9: Final Semester - Just a little bit of things here and there

Grade 9: Final Semester - Revelation

Grade 9: Spring Break - The “end”

Grade 9: Second Semester/Spring Break - Fading out

Grade 9: Second Semester/Spring Break - An Incident

Side Note: Annoyance

Another Horizon: From my perspective

Grade 9: Spring Break - Farewell Party

Grade 9: Last Semester - “Relieved”

Grade 9: Second Semester/Spring Holiday - The Beach Party Mess

Grade 9: Second Semester/Spring Holiday - The Beach Party Mess 2

Grade9: Second Semester - Spring Holiday Continues

Grade 9: Second Semester - Proximal Yet Long Distance Love Part 2

Grade 9: Second Semester - Proximal Yet Long Distance Love

Grade 9-Second Semester: Ambiguity

Another Horizon: Jealousy or He did not get what he wanted

Grade 9-Second Semester: Another Season. Another “The Day”

Side Story and In A POV of His

Grade 9-Second Semester: The light and the shadow

Another Horizon: Holding it in

Grade 9-Second Semester: Why don’t we rewrite the stars

Grade 9: Second Semester - School Events

Another Horizon- “The Day” in Sugar’s POV

Another Horizon - The Day Part 2 in Macho’s POV

Side Story: Goin’ Crazy - Natalie

Side Story: Befriending, or Backstabbing

Grade 9-Second Semester: What we need is a proper conversation (POV of I)

Grade 9-Second Semester: And then, to having a proper conversation

Grade 9-Second Semester: Happy Valentine’s Day, Not

Grade 9-Second Semester: Back to School Again

Grade 9-Second Semester: Life goes on like nothing happened

Grade 9-Second Semester: A day trippin’ heart skippin’

Grade 9-Second Semester: 3rd and 4th day of the long weekend holiday

Another Horizon: Taking a big turn Part 3

Grade 9-Second Semester: The Next Day with People Around Me

Grade 9-Second Semester: A Proper Conversation Part 2

Grade 9-Second Semester: In a POV of Sugar

Remarks: 頻発する“繁華街”って?

Grade 9-Second Semester: Breaking down