
痩せるには運動ではなく食事-To lose weight, eat, not exercise-


In the previous article, I introduced why a chubby stomach doesn't get flattened!? , it was said that the conversion of neutral fats in fat cells into energy is delayed. If you are interested, please check out these articles as well. And this time, we will introduce some excerpts from ``Eating Techniques Taught by Doctors'' and the contents of the title.


"If you really want to lose weight, change your diet rather than exercise. The amount of weight you can lose through exercise is limited, and it's not very effective. There is nothing wrong with the theory that people who work hard on muscle training often say, ``Increasing your muscle mass and increasing your basal metabolism will lead to weight loss.'' However, it takes a lot of training to increase your basal metabolism to that extent."


”If you don't get enough training time, you'll quickly lose muscle and regain it. This is the problem. Even though you are not a professional athlete, can you continue to train hard for a long time? It is far more beneficial to focus on restricting carbohydrates than trying to maintain the muscle you have built over the long term.”


What did you all think? There seems to be a limit to how much weight you can lose through exercise. If you are considering going on a diet, please start by paying attention to your daily casual meals. Also, it seems that exercising after consuming a lot of carbohydrates is effective, so please refer to that article if you like. I hope this is of some help. See you soon. thank you very much.


参考文献 医者が教える食事術 最強の教科書
著者 牧田善二 
出版 ダイヤモンド社

