現在、科学小説,経済小説,政治小説,文学小説,犯罪小説の5つを同時執筆中です。I am currently writing five novels simultaneously: a science fiction novel, an economics novel, a political novel, a literary novel, and a crime novel.
有料(¥380短編①は無料)科学小説 文庫本fictionフィクション物語「トランプ大統領,石破茂 総理大臣ワクチンは毒薬!President Trump,Vaccines are poison!covid19.新型コロナワクチンmRNAワクチンの猛毒性を暴くAlthough it may be a little late, we will expose the extreme toxicity of mRNA vaccines such as the COVID-19 vaccine」
「特権や優遇が嫌い!」、「米国のAIはDEIという意見に偏り、中立ではない!」 米国務省、トランプ大統領、マスク氏に伝えてください! "I hate privilege & preferential treatment!" "US AI is biased towards the ideology of DEI and is not neutral!" Please tell this to the US State Department, President Trump, and Elon Musk!