有料(¥380短編①は無料)科学小説 文庫本fictionフィクション物語「トランプ大統領,石破茂 総理大臣ワクチンは毒薬!President Trump,Vaccines are poison!covid19.新型コロナワクチンmRNAワクチンの猛毒性を暴くAlthough it may be a little late, we will expose the extreme toxicity of mRNA vaccines such as the COVID-19 vaccine」
理論医学Theoretical Medicine
The story that follows is fiction
短編①序章 全世界で1億人が死亡する事になる大量殺人はこの会話から始まる
Prologue: This conversation is the beginning of a mass murder that will kill 100 million people worldwide.
F: "President, we have a serious problem! Sample testing of the COVID-19 vaccine has shown that the first 10,000 doses from the start of production have no errors in the ingredients and are safe to administer, but after that, the genes will begin to mutate and only toxic vaccines will be produced!" P: "What?! So they can't mass-produce them! I get it. First, send 100,000 non-toxic vaccines to each country for their leaders and doctors! Then destroy all toxic vaccines until all of the vaccines are sent. Also destroy all of the sample results! Don't leave any evidence!" A: "What will you do about the orders after that?" P: "Start production as scheduled, two weeks late, and send them to each country!" A: "That could result in tens of millions of deaths around the world..." P: "Shut up, just do what you're told. Take care of your family and yourself."