





 Half of the Homework 放課後の教室は、夕日が差し込み、柔らかいオレンジ色に染まっていた。窓際の席に座るユウタは、自分の課題にペンを走らせながら、親友のリョウの隣をちらりと見た。 The classroom after school was bathed in the soft orange glow of the setting sun. Yuta, seated by the window, was scribbling down answers

    • 嘘が現実になる少年

      The Boy Whose Lies Became Reality ジョーという少年は、とにかく嘘をつくのが大好きだった。 Joe was a boy who simply loved to tell lies. しかし、彼の嘘は普通の嘘とは少し違っていた。 But his lies were a bit different from ordinary ones. ある日、彼は友達の前でこう言った。「昨日、僕はドラゴンを見たんだ!」 One day, in front

      • 忘れられないハロウィン

        A Halloween to Remember The moon was high, casting an eerie glow over the streets, as costumes of every kind flooded the neighborhood. 月が高く昇り、不気味な光を通りに投げかける中、さまざまなコスチュームを着た人々が街にあふれていた。 Sarah adjusted her witch hat and looked around the cr

        • フランケンシュタイン効果

           The Frankenstein Effect It was the night of the annual Halloween party, and Ryan had never been less prepared. 毎年恒例のハロウィンパーティーの夜、ライアンはこれほど準備不足だったことはなかった。 His friends had spent weeks planning their costumes, but he? Well, he threw togethe


          題名: ハロウィンを待ち望んで

          The Long Wait for Halloween January was barely over when Tom started thinking about Halloween. 1月が終わるか終わらないかのうちに、トムはハロウィンのことを考え始めた。 "It's gonna be epic this year," he muttered to himself, already imagining the decorations, the costumes, a

          題名: ハロウィンを待ち望んで


          "I don't get it... Why does everyone else have a date except me?" 「わからないよ…なんで他のみんなはデート相手がいるのに、俺だけいないんだ?」 "Is it the costume? Maybe I should've gone for something scarier..." 「衣装のせいかな?もっと怖い感じにすればよかったのかも…」 "Or is it because I’m just... invi


          Title: "The Halloween Race" It was Halloween night, and the moon hung low, casting a pale glow over the forest. ハロウィンの夜、森に低くかかる月が淡い光を放っていた。 “Tonight’s the night, Turtle!” said Rabbit, hopping up and down excitedly. “We race again!” 「今夜だよ、



          The Witch and the Werewolf's Elopement It was Halloween night, and the full moon hung high in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the village. ハロウィンの夜、満月が空高く輝き、村に不気味な光を落としていた。 In the shadows of the forest, a witch named Selene waited anx



           The Uninvited Ghost The Halloween party was in full swing, laughter and music filling the air as guests danced in their colorful costumes. ハロウィンパーティーは盛り上がり、笑い声と音楽が鳴り響き、ゲストたちは色とりどりの仮装で踊っていた。 A fog machine pumped out eerie mist, adding to



          Title: The Man Who Couldn’t Embrace Halloween Mark sat at his kitchen table, staring blankly at the orange and black decorations scattered across the room. マークはキッチンのテーブルに座り、部屋中に散らばったオレンジと黒の飾りをぼんやりと見つめていた。 He never liked Halloween, not as



          "The Unbelieved Guests" It was Halloween night, and the streets were filled with costumed revelers. ハロウィンの夜、街は仮装した人々で溢れていた。 In the midst of the chaos, a real werewolf and a genuine vampire found themselves wandering through the crowds.



          Title: "Pumpkin Prank Showdown" 題名:「かぼちゃのいたずら対決」 It was a chilly October afternoon, just days before Halloween, and the air was filled with the excitement of the upcoming festival. ハロウィンまであと数日、肌寒い10月の午後で、街中がこれからの祭りの楽しさでいっぱいだった。 Momo and



          A Halloween Night to Remember It was October 31st, and the sky was already growing dark as Alex and Ben walked home from school. 10月31日、アレックスとベンが学校から帰る頃には、空はすでに暗くなり始めていた。 "This Halloween is going to be so boring," Alex sighed, kicking a p



          Title: "The Lonely Jack-O'-Lantern" It was Halloween night, and all the houses on Maple Street were decorated with spooky lights and pumpkins. ハロウィンの夜、メープル通りの家々は不気味な明かりとカボチャで飾られていました。 On one doorstep, there was a small Jack-O'-Lantern wit


          タイトル: ハロウィンが大好きなトナカイ

          The Reindeer Who Loved Halloween It was the night before Halloween, and Rudy the reindeer was excited. ハロウィンの前夜、トナカイのルディはワクワクしていました。 "I can't wait for tomorrow!" Rudy said, bouncing on his hooves. 「明日が待ちきれないよ!」と、ルディは蹄(ひづめ)で跳ねながら言いました。 Hi

          タイトル: ハロウィンが大好きなトナカイ


          Waiting for Christmas: A Halloween Adventure" Tommy couldn't wait for Christmas. トミーはクリスマスが待ちきれなかった。 It was still October, and Halloween was just around the corner, but all he could think about was Christmas trees, presents, and Santa Cla
