番外編:アルポルト(パスタランチ)#創作大賞2024 #レシピ部門
Extra: Al Porto (pasta lunch)
The 50th International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition (REAL EXPO)H.C.R. Web2023(Web展) (Web Exhibition)
This is Koro from DisabilityLog 🐰❤
I am posting an English translation of the tenth item in this article!
Extra: Al Porto (pasta lunch)
🍝Pasta Lunch
Last year, on the last night of the International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition, we dined at Al Porto, a restaurant on the 8th floor of the top floor of the conference building at Tokyo Big Sight.
Recommended restaurants in Tokyo Big Sight
This year, I wanted to come back for lunch, so I made an advance reservation online or by phone and went on the day of the event.
Below is a description of Al Porto at Tokyo Big Sight and the food I actually ate, with photos!
Enjoy a pasta lunch at Al Porto at Tokyo Big Sight!
東京ビッグサイトは、日本最大の国際展示場として、様々なイベントや展示会が開催される人気スポット。そんな東京ビッグサイトの会議棟8階にあるのが、イタリアンレストラン「アルポルト 東京ビッグサイト店」。西麻布の名店「アルポルト」の片岡護シェフがプロデュースするこのお店は、ベイエリアの夜景を眺めながら、本格的なイタリアンを楽しめます。
Tokyo Big Sight is Japan's largest international exhibition hall and a popular spot for various events and exhibitions. Located on the 8th floor of the Conference Tower of Tokyo Big Sight is the Italian restaurant Al Porto Tokyo Big Sight. Produced by Chef Mamoru Kataoka of the famous Al Porto restaurant in Nishi-Azabu, this restaurant offers authentic Italian cuisine with a night view of the Bay Area.
The restaurant is wheelchair accessible, of course! Last year, a group of people with disabilities also came for the launch!
The Pasta Lunch Set is recommended for lunch time. The pasta lunch set includes a fresh salad, homemade focaccia, one of four pasta dishes, dessert and beverage for the reasonable price of 2,030 yen (tax included). You can choose from four different types of pasta, which change daily. For example, you can enjoy a wide variety of pastas, from classic favorites such as tomato spaghetti with red shrimp and clams and beef and mushroom cream sauce to original pastas made with seasonal ingredients. The pasta is cooked al dente and well mixed with the sauce. The volume is ample and satisfying.
The dessert lineup is sure to satisfy any sweet tooth, from classic favorites such as tiramisu and pudding to seasonal fruits. Paired with coffee or tea or orange juice, you can enjoy an elegant after-dinner moment.
アルポルト東京ビッグサイト店は、ゆりかもめ 東京ビッグサイト駅から徒歩2~3分という好立地にあり、アクセスも便利(りんかい線 国際展示場駅から徒歩7~8分)店内は落ち着いた雰囲気で、ゆっくりと食事ができます。ランチタイムは11:00~15:00(L.O.14:30)まで営業しており、食べログのほかに電話予約も可能です。
Al Porto Tokyo Big Sight is conveniently located a 2-3 minute walk from Yurikamome Tokyo Big Sight Station (7-8 minute walk from Kokusai Tenjijo Station on the Rinkai Line). The restaurant offers a relaxed atmosphere for a leisurely meal. The restaurant is open for lunch from 11:00 to 15:00 (L.O.14:30), and reservations can be made by phone as well as on the Eating List.
The pasta lunch set is recommended for those looking for an easy way to enjoy authentic Italian cuisine for lunch in the Tokyo Big Sight area. Why not pay us a visit?
Al Porto pasta lunch food report!
アルポルト パスタランチ
豚肉とトマトの煮込みソース スパゲッティ
Tokyo Big Sight
Al Porto Pasta Lunch
Spaghetti with braised pork and tomato sauce
I chose spaghetti with pork and tomato stew sauce from the pasta selection. The pasta was cooked al dente and well mixed with the tomato sauce. The sauce is rich and sweet with the flavor of pork. The sourness of the tomatoes and the aroma of basil accentuate the sauce, making it easy to eat without getting tired of it. It is filled with plenty of ingredients such as bacon and onions, making it a satisfying meal.
Dessert and Tea
Dessert was tiramisu and ice cream. The tiramisu has a delicious layer of thick cream mixed with egg yolks, mascarpone cheese, and fresh cream, and a layer of sponge soaked in coffee. The cocoa powder is bittersweet and enhances the sweetness. The ice cream is vanilla flavored, creamy and smooth. The combination of tiramisu and ice cream is pleasantly cool and refreshing.
飲み物は、紅茶を選びました。紅茶は、ティラミスに合う紅茶は? によると、濃厚な味わいでコーヒーやココアパウダー、マスカルポーネと相性がよく、甘酸っぱいフルーツの香りも楽しめる「ディンブラミルクティー」や「ウバミルクティー」、「アッサムミルクティー」などがおすすめとのこと。アイスクリームには、もっとおいしく!紅茶とお菓子、相思相愛の組み合わせ … によると、味がしっかりしていてコクがある「アッサム」や「ケニア」などがよく合うという。これらの紅茶は、甘さが強いメレンゲ菓子とのバランスが取れるからです。
I chose tea as my beverage of choice. As for the tea, which tea goes best with tiramisu? According to the "Mere Old Man," "Dimbula Milk Tea," "Uva Milk Tea," and "Assam Milk Tea" are recommended, as they have a rich flavor, go well with coffee, cocoa powder, and mascarpone, and also have a sweet and sour fruit aroma. Ice cream tastes even better! Tea and sweets are a perfect match ... according to the "Black Tea & Snacks" website, "Assam" and "Kenya" teas, which have a strong and rich flavor, go well with ice cream. This is because these teas can balance the sweetness of meringue sweets.
Al Porto is a restaurant where you can enjoy authentic Italian cuisine while enjoying the view of the bay area from Tokyo Big Sight. At lunch time, we recommend the selected course, which features pasta made with seasonal ingredients. The casual atmosphere makes it easy to stop by and can be used for a wide range of occasions from everyday dining to business occasions.
ロケーションも最高です( *´艸`)
Al Porto Pasta Lunch, very delicious, very beautiful decorations in the restaurant, and a great location.
I like Italian and French food, except for Japanese food.
#CreatorFest #Autumn Recipes
-夏夢カノン応援歌2- Lyric & Music by hidebow (youtube.com)
-夏夢カノン応援歌- Lyric & Music by hidebow (youtube.com)
Please stay alive
AI漫画、AI小説、NFT小説 夏夢カノン
兎耳コロちゃん・Usamimi Koroちゃんの新イラスト垢