



特許権者であるJ F E スチール株式会社は、利害関係者と思われる日鐵住金建材株式会社に無効審判(無効2015-800175)を起こされましたが、特許庁の審判部において「審判請求は成り立たない」とされて特許権を維持しました。











次に、利害関係者と思われる日鐵住金建材株式会社は、J F E スチール株式会社の保有する「特許4725133」に対して、「無効審判(無効2015-800175 (1) )」を起こしました。

この無効審判においては、審判官(池渕立 ら)は、「本件発明1~2についての特許は、請求人の主張する理由及び証拠方法によっては、無効とすることができない。」として、特許権は維持されました。



この知的財産高等裁判所の判断に基づいて、特許庁の審判部(千葉輝久 ら)は(無効2015-800175号)において、「特許第4725133号「鋼の連続鋳造用モールドパウダー」の特許無効審判事件につてされた平成28年 8月15日付け審決に対し、知的財産高等裁判所において審決取消しの判決(平成28年(行ケ)第10215号、平成29年10月26日判決言渡)があったので、さらに審のえ、次のとおり審決する。」として、以下の結論を下しました。






更にまた、「検索用語・分類(FI、Fターム)の選定 と 検索論理式の作成」、「その具体例」、「登録調査機関の検索者が行った、不十分で、的外れな「論理検索式」による(サーチ)」、「登録調査機関(株式会社AIRI)の検索者が見つけることのできなかった特許文献」などの資料を添付します。

(Google Translation)

Annulment of the decision (rights of defendant = JFE Steel Corporation invalid).

This is the 315th case to be declared "invalid" by the Intellectual Property High Court.

The patent holder, JFE Steel Corporation, had an invalidation trial (Invalidation 2015-800175) filed against them by Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Construction Materials Corporation, which is believed to be an interested party, but the Japan Patent Office's Trial and Appeal Department ruled that "the request for trial was not valid" and the patent rights were upheld.

Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Construction Materials Corporation was dissatisfied with this decision and appealed to the Intellectual Property High Court.

The Intellectual Property High Court ruled that "the trial decision made by the Japan Patent Office on August 15, 2016, in Case Invalidation No. 2015-800175 is annulled." and allowed Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Construction Materials Corporation's appeal.

In the ruling, the Intellectual Property High Court stated, "The patent in question exceeds the scope of what is described so that a person skilled in the art with the common general knowledge at the time of the filing date of the case would recognize that the problem of the corrected invention in the specification in question can be solved, and therefore cannot be said to meet the support requirement set forth in Article 36, Paragraph 6, Item 1 of the Patent Act."

The "support requirement" is a violation of Article 36, Paragraph 6, Item 1 of the Patent Act. At the examination stage of the Japan Patent Office, a searcher (KQ32) of a registered search organization (General Incorporated Foundation Industrial Property Cooperation Center) first created a [search formula] under the guidance of an instructor (L132), obtained a set of 218 cases, carefully read this, and presented two "X documents."

On the other hand, the examiner in charge of the examination of this case (Kunikata Yasunobu) seemed to think that the two "X documents" of the searcher (KQ32) were insufficient.

The examiner (Kunikata Yasunobu) himself created a [search formula] and presented three additional patent documents, for a total of five, to the applicant.

The applicant submitted a "Written Amendment," but the examiner issued a "Decision of Rejection."

Dissatisfied with this decision, the applicant filed an appeal.

The case was then transferred to pretrial deliberation, and the "Decision to Patent" was ultimately issued, with the applicant becoming the patent owner.

Next, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Construction Materials Co., Ltd., which is believed to be an interested party, filed an "Invalidation Trial (Invalidation 2015-800175 (1))" against "Patent 4725133" held by JFE Steel Corporation.

In this invalidation trial, the trial judge (Ikebuchi Ryu et al.) ruled that "the patents for Inventions 1 and 2 cannot be invalidated based on the reasons and evidential methods asserted by the claimant," and the patent right was upheld.

Dissatisfied with this decision, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Construction Materials Co., Ltd. filed a lawsuit in the Intellectual Property High Court.

However, as mentioned above, the Intellectual Property High Court ruled that "the decision made by the Japan Patent Office on August 15, 2016, in Case No. Invalidation 2015-800175 is revoked," and ruled that the patent was invalid.

Based on this decision by the Intellectual Property High Court, the Japan Patent Office's Trial and Appeal Department (Chiba Teruhisa et al.) ruled in (Invalidation 2015-800175) that "As the Intellectual Property High Court has revoked the decision made on August 15, 2016, in the patent invalidation trial case for Patent No. 4725133, "Mold powder for continuous casting of steel" (Case No. 2016 (Gyo-Ke) 10215, judgment handed down on October 26, 2017), we have further reviewed the matter and hereby make the following decision." and reached the following conclusion.

In other words, the court ruled that "the patents for Inventions 1 and 2 were issued in response to patent applications that did not meet the requirements set out in Article 36, Paragraph 6, Paragraph 1 of the Patent Act, and therefore fall under Article 123, Paragraph 1, Item 4 of the Patent Act and should be invalidated," and declared JFE Steel Corporation's patents "invalid."

This proves that the judgement skills of the examiners at the Patent Office are weak. It is not permissible to grant a patent based on the careless judgment of an examiner at the Patent Office's examination stage.

Therefore, we believe that the Patent Office should not have granted a patent to JFE Steel Corporation's application in the first place. Incidentally, the Intellectual Property High Court has not made any judgment on the validity of patent documents, which are prior art documents presented at the Patent Office's examination stage.

In addition, we attach materials such as "Selection of search terms and classifications (FI, F-terms) and creation of search logical formulas," "Specific examples," "Searches using insufficient and irrelevant "logical search formulas" conducted by searchers at a registered research organization," and "Patent documents that searchers at a registered research organization (AIRI Co., Ltd.) were unable to find."

(Google 翻译)













接下来,看似利害关系的新日铁住金建材株式会社对JFE钢铁株式会社持有的“专利第4725133号”提起了无效审判(无效宣告第2015-800175(1)号)。 。

在本次无效宣告审理中,审查员(池渕达等人)表示, “根据申请人主张的证据理由和方法,不能宣告发明1和发明2专利无效”。



基于知识产权高等法院的这一判决,日本特许厅审判上诉委员会(千叶照久等人)于2017年对第4725133号专利“钢的连续铸造用结晶器粉末”做出了专利无效审判。 (无效第2015-800175号)

经过进一步审议,我们做出以下决定。 ”并得出以下结论: 换言之, “由于发明一、发明二对于不符合专利法第三十六条第六款第一款、专利法第一百二十三条第一款规定条件的专利申请被授予专利权, JFE钢铁公司的名称被宣告无效。






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