【創作大賞2025 エッセイ部門】【女子高生エッセイ】【英語】㉕『担任に夢を完全否定された』"My teacher completely denied my dream" Koro&Arumi #イラスト #AIart #JKエッセイ
LARME 2024 オーディションに参加中📣
ある プロフィール
I'm Koro Usamimi (Koro-chan),
a collaborator on the English translation & illustration
of the “High School Girls' Essay”
by Arumi/an active JK writer 🐰💕
Girls' High School Essay x English Learning Collaborative Magazine🔗
Collab Novel 📚
"Summer Dream(Kanon)" × "You Are My Andromeda"
"My teacher completely denied my dream"
My homeroom teacher denied my dream.
When I told him I wanted to write game scenarios, film scripts, essays, and novels, he laughed it off, saying it was such a typical dream.
My school is known as the top academic school in the area, and almost everyone goes to national universities.
Among all this, I really wanted to write and planned to study at an art university.
I believe studying at a school where I can learn about writing, film, music, design, and games simultaneously while receiving artistic inspiration would deeply impact my creative drive.
The teacher probably wanted to stop me - a student who had said they'd go to Kyoto University - from going to a private art school, concerned about his class's academic record.
"You won't be able to find a job, and it won't help your future at all. You have the ability, so don't run away."
I laughed and said, "I see."
"You could probably get into any national university if you just tried, so why not write as a side job?"
I frowned with an awkward smile and replied, "That's one way to look at it."
"That's not enough. I want to write while receiving inspiration. I know you don't understand."
"You might not have any talent for writing, so you'd better give up."
I know better than anyone that I might lack writing talent.
"Hmm, I wonder about that. You can't know unless you keep writing."
"Will going to university make you a better writer? Someone like you who's running away from studying?"
"Rather than running away, I've just found something I want to do more than studying. Whether I can write well depends on my effort, but I'll definitely get inspiration."
"See? Wouldn't it be better to go to a national university?"
"What do you mean?"
"If you're not sure you can become a writer, you should take the safe path so you won't have trouble finding employment. Art school is just an escape route for depressed kids like you."
"I can get other qualifications to help with employment, and I don't want to regret my life because of you."
"If you want to write that badly, why not debut as a high school student? If you can't, you can always get a regular job."
"I've discussed with my parents that I want to at least graduate high school, so I've decided to only write in ways that don't interfere with my studies."
"See, there you go running away again. Haha, it's my job to give you a reality check."
"I want to focus on academics in high school and learn writing in university."
"Why not go to a national university and become an apprentice to a novelist?"
"If I want to learn about scripts, novels, and non-fiction from all angles, isn't going to such a university kind of like becoming an apprentice?"
"We seem to be talking past each other. You should cool your head. Besides, your dream is ordinary. Everyone wants to do that."
"Have you ever written anything yourself, teacher?"
"No, but everyone says they want to."
"I see, then I'll cool my head."
"Wait, I'm just saying this as a teacher! If you really want to do it, I probably wouldn't stop you. But you'll get the same answer from any teacher."
"I see. I'll talk to my parents again."
"By the way, did you go to the open campus? With whom? Your mother? laughs"
"Yes, I did."
"Of course it was your mother. Everyone gets dreamy when they go with their mothers laughs"
"What do you mean?"
"Mothers are too soft. She might let you go to a school that won't do you any good."
"Hmm, is that so."
"Well, the university might not even accept you anyway. You'd be better off going to economics or something."
"Well, I'll cool my head then."
"Don't you dare apply for early admission."
"Isn't that my choice?"
"No, no, that's how everyone fails."
Everyone? Who exactly?
"Even if you think it's a failure, the person might feel it's a success."
"There was someone who really wanted to study abroad after going to Osaka University, and their dream came true. You never know what life brings, so you should secure a safe path."
"How is that person's study abroad different from my university choice?"
"Well, first tell me everything you learned at the university open campus."
"Detailed novel analysis, how to express emotions in novels, perspective setting, and also..."
"Hmm, did that improve your writing at all?"
"Yes, it did. I mainly write non-fiction essays, so while my perspective is usually focused on one point, it made me think about how to convey third-person perspectives without explicitly stating them."
"Oh, is that all?"
"I'm trying to challenge myself with stirring emotions through text, since apparently creating discomfort is the easiest."
"Seems like anyone could do that."
There was no smile on my face.
Neither anger nor sadness remained, just a vague, murky feeling in my chest.
But now, a week later, I can laugh thinking this will make good material for creating discomfort.
If I managed to convey that discomfort to you who've read this far.
I must have some talent for stirring emotions in essay readers.
I'm not giving up yet.
As long as there's even one person reading until the end.
(I'll keep updating as I remember more)
Koro & Arumi Collab Info
You're My Andromeda (Original work:Summer Dream(Kanon))
Latest episode
❶ & Check out the story here
エッセイ全般 (30個)
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学校・教育関連 (20個)
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夢・将来・才能関連 (20個)
#夢 #将来 #目標 #才能 #才能開花 #可能性 #挑戦 #挑戦する #諦めない #諦めない心 #自己肯定感 #自己実現 #自己探求 #自己分析 #自己啓発 #キャリア #就職 #就活 #進路選択 #将来の夢
芸術・創作関連 (20個)
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英語・語学・読書・勉強系 (10個)
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#創作大賞2025 #エッセイ部門
#女子高生エッセイ #JKエッセイ
Co-magazine of “Essays on High School Girls” ↓
Original article is here↓
For those who want to read it again↓