後輩や部下のモチベーションを上げたい時-When you want to increase the motivation of your subordinates-
Everyone, good evening. This time, I would like to introduce some excerpts from ``Techniques to make your mind do what you want'' on how to motivate your juniors and subordinates. In the previous article, I introduced how to effectively apologize to the person you fought with. If you are interested, please take a look at them as well.
”People tend to think that improving conditions such as money, time, environment, etc. will increase motivation at work, but in reality, these are all unrelated. As a result of various experiments and verifications, the only thing that influenced work motivation was ``evaluation from those around you.'' This feeling of being seen and needed is the only thing that has been shown to permanently increase human motivation.”
”Therefore, if you want to increase the motivation of your juniors and subordinates, the only way is to let them know that they are valued by those around them. The point is to praise only the small details, not the whole thing. When people point out one part of a large part, they have the illusion that they are also looking at the whole thing.”
What did you all think? It is very important for leaders and managers to motivate their juniors and subordinates. Observe the little details that no one else notices and compliment them later. It makes me happy to know that the person receiving the compliment sees me that way. I hope this article is of some use to you. See you soon. thank you very much.