効果的なジョギングコースを選ぶ方法-How to choose an effective jogging course-
Good afternoon everybody. June is over and July is starting from yesterday. It seems that the beach in Fujisawa City has opened from July 1st (Saturday) yesterday. Corona has also moved to type 5, so it seems that the liveliness of beaches nationwide will return this year.
Now for the main subject, do you usually run or walk? I go to the gym twice a week and always do cardio on the treadmill for 30 minutes. Also, isn't there someone who runs outside other than the gym? We will introduce how to choose an effective jogging course for such people. If you want to jog effectively, it is recommended to choose a course with as many other people as possible and run. This is because if other people are watching you, you will run without cutting corners, so you will naturally increase your pace and the effect will be higher.
"California State University in the United States measured the speed of a person running a jogging course for a distance of 90 yards. However, a woman was sitting on the grass at 45 yards in the middle and was running. You're staring at people.Is there a difference between how fast you run the first 45 yards and how fast you run the second 45 yards?The result is that most people are staring at women. He wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, and without realizing it, he was picking up the pace.”
Whether it's running or not, when you're doing something by yourself, you tend to think about other things and slack off. If you are in an environment where there are people around you, you will inevitably increase your work pace without cutting corners. Also, if that person is working hard, I should work hard too. Please refer to it if you like. See you soon. thank you very much.
著者:内藤誼人 総合法令出版