
Day 59: 看護学生のためのレジリエンスプログラム研究  アメリカの大学で働く365日チャレンジ You gave me wings to fly~あなたは私に翼をくれました~


A slightly bitter debut


Morning sick again,,:つわり再び、、


Understanding Pregnancy Symptoms with Negative Test Results

I'm fine,,! 7month pregnancy :元気に動いています!妊娠7か月、、

【4】Recmd. matanity goods 妊娠中(前)便利グッズ紹介

Urine leakage in pregnancy:(妊娠中の尿漏れTT

Happy marriage&Matanity life 結婚・妊娠して変わった心の変化

MISCHさんの曲がTVで主題歌に!:MISCH's song is now on the air!

IllustAC had been bought,!イラストACでダウンロードされていました、、

2nd trimester!Clean whole house!!安定期!掃除し放題!!

Great husband's help ありがたい夫の行動

Cycling During Pregnancy: Benefits and Safety Tips


For my baby buying goods!:安定期なので新生児グッズを買っていっています!

Took a good nap:お休みの日でした

Same waist as my husband:夫と同じウエストに!

STUDY lying:寝ころびながらの勉強

671. さらにMedscape記事を5つほど


【1】Recmd. matanity goods 妊娠中(前)便利グッズ紹介

https://x.com/Yuriki1234/status/1762874958865396006?t=FNfKww-PWBTay9DHW17-TA&s=09 Feeling nauseois.. morning shick..(bcause of pregnancy)

Able to do lots things at 2nd trimester活動範囲が広まった妊娠中期

Husband's nice word(2)夫の素敵な一言②

【3】Recmd. matanity goods 妊娠中(前)便利グッズ紹介

Life in my belly

Stock market depends on the day:日による日経平均



433. Pregnancy outcomes and vaccine effectiveness during the period of omicron as the variant of concern, INTERCOVID-2022: a multinational, observational study



What would be great to have in autumn? Part 2

Bathing a newborn in Japan -Umbilical stump-

What if you have any symptoms of COVID-19?

What if you are one of "close contacts"?①

Bathing a newborn in Japan -Level of water-

Baby bath after just childbirth

Bathing a new born in Japan -Skin care lotion –

Postpartum care difference in The US vas Japan.

Is the smoke of fireworks safe for pregnant women and babies?

Are you afraid mosquitoes too much? - Mosquito repellent and aid in Japan-

Are you afraid mosquitoes too much? -Mosquito types and risks-

How do we spend in Summer?- Heat rash①-

What would be great to have in autumn? Part 1

The test for Group B streptococcus in Japan①

How do we spend in Summer?- Heat rash②-

申請 経口妊娠中絶薬 『ミフェプリストン』 『ミソプロストール』 ラインファーマ 製薬会社 イギリス 平均価格740円 『薬の処方にかかる費用について10万円程度かかる手術と同等の料金設定が望ましい』 木下勝之会長 日本産婦人科医会 人工妊娠中絶 厚生労働省 2021.12.22 日本 20211223

The test for Group B streptococcus in Japan②

What if you are diagnosed threatened preterm labour?①

Managing weight during pregnancy Part2