Are you afraid mosquitoes too much? -Mosquito types and risks-
I guess you have already felt annoyed the sound of mosquitoes in Japan. Some are afraid of being bitten by them as they have some virus or parasite which cause of severe infection such as Dengue fever, Malaria or Zika virus.
Japanese mosquitos aren’t dangerous but we still announce not to get bitten ( as much as you can ) especially while you are pregnant or you have 0 year old baby.As our domestic species found in may carry Zika virus, and it can cause serious birth defects including microcephaly (a smaller head and brain size).
No worries.I never seen any pregnant women has infected by Zika during my midwife life!I’ll tell some repellent for annoying bugs next week.
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::FRI:: 帝王切開・多胎・切迫早産・悪阻が伴う 妊娠と出産と育児について
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