
What would be great to have in autumn? Part 1

I've talked a little disadvantage autumn in Japan last week.
What about advantages for pregnant women or breastfeeding-mum?
Sweet potato, Mallon, pumpkin, mushroom, grapes, lotus root and pacific saury...

Oh my goodness.
I can't list up ALL!
so which one has got great nutrition especially for women?
Let's start from SWEETPOTATO.

As you can see, sweet potatoes in Japan has got purple skin but white inside rather than orange one.
I can say more setter than what you get in your country.
Of course, sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, but also are fully rich in Yalapin.
Yalapin is a sticky white liquid that appears when you cut sweet potatoes. This makes your intestine move well and encourage to digest efficiently.
If you eat with skin, that would be natural medicine for constipation.


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