Postpartum care difference in The US vas Japan.
I am an postpartum doula in the US and this job is well known to women.
The reason is that women take care of their baby in their own home right after giving birth. Women are allowed to leave hospital 48-72 hours after giving birth, at which point the main childcare instructions is just how to breastfeed from a lactation consultation and to see how to actually clean the baby with a sponge bath.
Even if you take a newborn care class before giving birth, it is difficult to do everything themselves, so it is common to hire specialists such as postpartum doula, newborn care nurses, babysitters, nannies, and housekeepers.
They learn from them how to take care of their baby.
In Japan, hospitalization after childbirth is 5 to 8 days, and there are many instructions such as breastfeeding, newborn care, bathing, milk preparation, and postnatal life instruction from midwifes or OBGYN nurses.
And the mainstream is to return to the postpartum woman's home of parent. and then their parents take care of women and baby. they don't have much idea of leaving it to an expert. In many cases, the father of the child will participate in childcare after one to three months.
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