Managing weight during pregnancy Part2
Following what I wrote down last week, Let's find out the difference between Japan and other countries regarding the weight control during pregnancy.
According to the guideline by IOM (the Institute of Medicine),
Women who is BMI 18.5-24.9 should gain 11-16kg(25 to 35 lb) during pregnancy;
Women who is BMI 25-29.9 should gain 7-11kg(15 to 25 lb);
Women who is BMI <18.5 should gain even more —13-18kg( 28 to 40 lb).
Meanwhile in Japan, the number which is recommended,
For BMI 18.5-24.9-women should control the weight between 10-13kg;
For BMI 25-29.9-women should try not put too much, ideally less than 7-10kg, but interestingly we don't have the specific number for that. The guideline said what your doctor / midwife said.
Women who is BMI <18.5 can put on their weight between 12-15kg.
That's why your doctor/ midwife would explain to you about putting the weight a bit strictly.
However, in my opinion, the culture-wise, food-habit wise or DNA-wise make us a bit
differently so I think you have the right to explain your doctor/midwife what is the guideline in your country and you'd like to follow that instead of Japan one as long as you want.
The important thing is not really just a number but how you manage to keep healthy mental and body during pregnancy and hold your baby (even babies!) in your arms one day.
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