The test for Group B streptococcus in Japan②
Getting result as positive for GBS itself is not really problem for mums. However, there's a small risk that GBS can pass to the baby during childbirth..
To prevent above, your doctor give antibiotics by IV (through the vein) to you to reduce the risk of that your baby get infected or onset. They commonly prescribe a type of antibiotic called beta-lactams, which includes penicillin and ampicillin.
So we learned that GBS itself would be at risk for babies.
What do we care of babies if their mother has got positive?
Basically, we, doctors,nurses and midwives just check carefully symptoms of early-onset for GBS.
Most babies can't be found any problem and grown up greatly, even some who become infected can be treated successfully and will make a full recovery.
If you have any further questions, your doctors or midwives are happy to discuss it.
I'm sure.
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