Are you afraid mosquitoes too much? - Mosquito repellent and aid in Japan-
so what kind of repellent can we get in the pharmacy?
the cutest one, I can say, is mosquito coils with piggy holder.
We also have electric one, too. ( not coil part, actually piggy holder part.)
It's like more diffuse but no vape at all, just insert liquid bottle into holder and then insert to outlet.
I also like hanging mosquito vapes.
sometimes you can find character one such as Snoopy or Hallo Kitty if you'd like.
That's the very easy to use and safest for the house, just hung it onto the doors.
How long will it last? it's actually depends on product but will last about 60-90days .
once you get mosquito bite,
I highly recommend to use mosquito patch!
It's just like plasters but blocked oxygen so you won't feel any itchiness.
or you also can get lotion or ointment, too.
Hope you found your favorite!
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