How do we spend in Summer?- Heat rash②-
Keeping your body cool down is also important for not to get this rush.
such as
-Wear loose-fitting cotton wear
-Take cool shower or bath often
-Use lightweight (moisture-wicking) bedding
-Avoid dehydrate ( drink a plenty of fluid )
-Turn on fans and air conditioners ( but not to make around your belly too cool)
If you need any treatments for heat rash ( including remedies)
-Put calamine lotion
-Tap a powder
-Not use heavy cream such as petroleum-based ointments
-Not use any scented cream pr body soap.
-Try use organic things for washing liquid, shampoo or soap
-Have a great nutrition which is decrease inflammation oat meal or aloe vela.
If you can't stop scratching, you might need a medication or proper ointment.
Don't hesitate to see your doctor.
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