π=3.14159...Contradiction in the number 1~12 π=3.14...// I uploaded the paper as a PDF file. The URL is as follows. https://independent.academia.edu/PiUmeniuguisu You can download it by creating a Google account. Please use it if you need it. Free.
π=3.14... // Pi = 4/√φ=3.1446... Special Edition PDF I uploaded the paper as a PDF file. The URL is as follows. https://independent.academia.edu/PiUmeniuguisu You can download it by creating a Google account. Please use it if you need it. Free.
π=3,14159....... La contradicción de este valor numérico ¿Dónde está la contradicción del valor numérico? Dos π diferentes // π=3,14159=pi=3.14159 y π=3,1446=pi=3.1446 Encuentre el número verdadero que sigue a π = 3,14 (Pi = 3.14) // π=4/√φ Umeniuguisu
Dos π diferentes // π=3,14159=pi=3.14159 y π=3,1446=pi=3.1446
Método de cálculo de π=4/√φ / Vista previa de muestra
π=3.14... // Pi = 4/√φ=3.1446... Special Edition 6 Our children have the right to be free from false teaching about Pi and to receive a correct education. Let's spread the word to as many people as possible. Umeniuguisu #π #Pi #φ #Kepler #Triangle
π=3.14159...Contradiction in the number 12 The truth about π=3.14... that we should know Two different π // π=3.14159=pi=3,14159 and π=3.1446=pi=3,1446 Find the true number that follows π = 3.14 π=3.14=Pi=3,14 Umeniuguisu
π=3,14159...Противоречие численного значения 12 Истина π = 3,14..., которую мы должны знать Вычисление π с использованием недоказуемых правильных многоугольников Два разных π // π=3,14159 и π=3,1446 π = 3,14… (Pi=3.14… ) // π=4/√φ Umeniuguisu
π=3.14159...Contradiction in the number 11 The truth about π=3.14... which is not taught in school Two different π // π=3.14159=pi=3,14159 and π=3.1446=pi=3,1446 Find the true number that follows π = 3.14 π=3.14=Pi=3,14 Umeniuguisu