NextUD JAPAN 2023
The 50th International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition (REAL EXPO)H.C.R. Web2023(Web展) (Web Exhibition)
This is Koro from DisabilityLog 🐰❤
I am posting an English translation of the third item in this article!
NextUD JAPAN 2023
Fashion Show to Create the Future
Fashion is a means of expressing one's individuality and attractiveness. However, there are people who are interested in fashion but find it difficult to dress in their own way due to disabilities or intractable diseases. A fashion show was held to propose a new universal design for such people.
それが、「NextUD JAPAN 2023」というイベントです。
That is the "NextUD JAPAN 2023" event.
NextUD JAPAN 2023は、一般社団法人日本障がい者ファッション協会がプロデュースする、障害者ファッションショーです。NextUDとは、Next Universal Designの略で、「Accessibility(利用しやすさ)」と「Usability(使いやすさ)」に加えて、「Enjoyability(楽しさ)」の概念を加えたものです。
NextUD JAPAN 2023 is a fashion show for people with disabilities produced by the Japan Fashion Association for the Disabled. NextUD stands for Next Universal Design, which adds the concept of "Enjoyability" to "Accessibility" and "Usability".
NextUD JAPAN 2023は、2023年9月29日に東京ビッグサイトで開催された「H.C.R.2023 第50回国際福祉機器展&フォーラム」のメインステージで行われました。約10万人が参加するアジア最大級の福祉機器展示会の中で、ミライを創るファッションショーとして注目を集めました。
NextUD JAPAN 2023 was held on the main stage of the H.C.R. 2023 50th International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition & Forum at Tokyo Big Sight on September 29, 2023. It attracted attention as a fashion show for creating mirai at one of Asia's largest welfare equipment exhibitions, attended by approximately 100,000 people.
In the fashion show, models with various disabilities and intractable diseases walked the runway in outfits that made them shine. The outfits were not only functional and comfortable to meet the needs of the disabled and elderly, but also well-designed and trendy. Assistive devices such as wheelchairs and artificial limbs were also coordinated as part of the fashion.
The purpose of the fashion show is to create value from minorities such as the disabled and elderly.
The outfits were not only functional and comfortable to meet the needs of the disabled and elderly, but also well-designed and trendy. For example, there were skirts and pants for people in wheelchairs that were designed so that the hems would not catch, and tops and dresses for people wearing prosthetic limbs that were made of fabric in the same color and pattern as the prosthesis.衣装は、日本の有名ブランドやデザイナーが協力して提供したものでした。例えば、「アディダス」、「コム デ ギャルソン」、「ユニクロ」、「ジル サンダー」、「ミュウミュウ」、「アニエスベー」などのブランドが参加しました。
The costumes were provided by famous Japanese brands and designers who cooperated with each other. For example, brands such as "adidas," "Comme des Garcons," "UNIQLO," "Jil Sander," "Miu Miu," and "agnès b." participated.衣装は、季節やテーマに合わせてコーディネートされていました。
Costumes were coordinated with the season and theme.
NextUD JAPAN 2023、当日観覧席で見ることができて、良かったです(^^♪
NextUD JAPAN 2023, I was able to see it from the bleachers on the day of the event, and I'm glad I did.
The event was very impressive, with powerful visuals, talk sessions, special talks, and a fashion show ✨
インタラクティブに相互参加型で行われていたところも素晴らしかったです!コメントやリアクションが スクリーンに流れました!(びっくり!!)
The interactive and interactive nature of the event was also wonderful! Comments and reactions flowed onto the screen! (Surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Audience comments were shown on the display during the presentation. Real-time collection of audience input and comments enables interactive presentations!
However, I was impatient because it was hard to connect to the free Wi-Fi at Tokyo Big Sight (^-^;)
From familiar examples of universal design (light switch buttons, bumps on plastic bottles, mirrors in elevators)
How I tried out for the Paris Collection
Specific welfare design
For example, banana boots🍌 that are easy to wear but hard to take off, such as zipper design stylish raincoat🍌 were introduced.
The audience was also invited to submit ideas.
最後は、Wheelchair fashion showで締めくくりました。
The event concluded with a Wheelchair fashion show.
誰もが使いたくなるNEXT UDで、ワクワクする未来が見えますね!
The NEXT UD is a design that not only solves a problem, but also finds an added alpha and possibility that everyone will want to use, and I can see an exciting future!
Here are two haiku and two tanka poems I made!
#CreatorFest #ForWellbeing #EventReport
-夏夢カノン応援歌2- Lyric & Music by hidebow (
-夏夢カノン応援歌- Lyric & Music by hidebow (
Please stay alive
AI漫画、AI小説、NFT小説 夏夢カノン