
人体を壊す糖質ベスト5-Top 5 carbohydrates that damage the human body-


In the previous article, I introduced the idea of ``limiting the amount of carbohydrates you consume each day.'' The only factor that causes weight gain is carbohydrates, and in order to maintain weight, men should keep their intake below 120g and women below 110g. If you are interested, please check out these articles as well. And this time, we will introduce some excerpts from ``Eating Techniques Taught by Doctors'' and the contents of the title.


"No.1 malignant canned coffee, soft drinks, juices, etc."
“No. 2 sweets containing sugar”
“No. 3 fruit”
“No. 4: White rice, white bread, udon, etc.”
“No. 5: Brown rice, whole grain bread, potatoes, etc.”


"Even if you say "carbohydrate" in one word, its "malignancy" is different. I am not trying to tell people not to eat white rice, which is their favorite food. Carbohydrates are essential nutrients for sustaining life, and it is essential to consume them in appropriate amounts. However, the problem is that modern people tend to consume too much sugar and prefer "bad carbohydrates that they don't need to consume at all."


What did you all think? I love No. 3 to 5 and eat them often lol. I tend to eat too much, but I would like to be conscious of the amount I consume and keep it to a small amount from now on. In particular, liquids seem to have a high degree of malignancy, so please be careful. I hope this article is of some use to you. See you soon. thank you very much.


参考文献 医者が教える食事術 最強の教科書
著者 牧田善二 
出版 ダイヤモンド社
