


A slightly bitter debut


Morning sick again,,:つわり再び、、

I'm fine,,! 7month pregnancy :元気に動いています!妊娠7か月、、

Urine leakage in pregnancy:(妊娠中の尿漏れTT

MISCHさんの曲がTVで主題歌に!:MISCH's song is now on the air!

IllustAC had been bought,!イラストACでダウンロードされていました、、

2nd trimester!Clean whole house!!安定期!掃除し放題!!

Great husband's help ありがたい夫の行動

For my baby buying goods!:安定期なので新生児グッズを買っていっています!

Same waist as my husband:夫と同じウエストに!

STUDY lying:寝ころびながらの勉強

It was a BOY!男の子でした!

647. Medscapeから本日拾った記事4つ




Husband's nice word(2)夫の素敵な一言②

【3】Recmd. matanity goods 妊娠中(前)便利グッズ紹介

Stock market depends on the day:日による日経平均

#日本での出会いLINE:878djまたはLINE:278697 #日本への出張や観光で女の子との出会いを探す #日本外送茶 #日本風俗店 #日本泡泡浴 #日本でのロリータとのコンドームなしの出会い #日本童顔の巨乳 #日本での妊婦との出会い #日本の恋人ホテルの女の子へのアウトコールサービス #日本のコールガールを探すには、TGテレグラムアカウント:@JP885を参照してください。ガール紹介所:https://t.me/JP5584 デイリーアットテンダンス:https://www.tw5549.com

What if you are one of "close contacts"?①

Lingering summer heat in Japan!?- home remedy recipe-

What can we do for boosting up immune system?② -Intestinal Environment -

How can be prevent threatened preterm labour?②

The labour in Japan in COVID-19 situation 2

How can be prevent threatened preterm labour?①

How long do you have to wait for until you go to the obstetrics ?

When to announce your pregnancy at work

Why do Japanese pregnant women eat raw-eggs?

I may be pregnant. What should I do at first?

Managing weight during pregnancy Part1

How do you count your gestational age?

What kinds of food should I have in Japan during pregnancy?

Prenatal Yoga Classes | Birth and Beyond Chandigarh

My experiences in NZ #38

286. Lower versus Higher Glycemic Criteria for Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes


244. Association of Birth During the COVID-19 Pandemic With Neurodevelopmental Status at 6 Months in Infants With and Without In Utero Exposure to Maternal SARS-CoV-2 Infection


240. Evaluation of Acute Adverse Events after Covid-19 Vaccination during Pregnancy


233. Maternal Vaccination and Risk of Hospitalization for Covid-19 among Infants


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