I may be pregnant. What should I do at first?

Have your period been late? Or Do you feel sick?
Noticing or considering a chance of pregnancy is a good timing to try a pregnancy test.
In Japan, you can get them in pharmacies such as Sugi pharmacy(スギ薬局), Matsumoto Kiyoshi(マツモトキヨシ), Drug Yutaka(ドラッグユタカ),Kirindo(キリン堂), Welcia(ウェルシア), cocokarafine(ココカラファイン).
These are big chain stores which have branches throughout Japan, but even tiny one near your house or big super markets may have the tests.

*Pregnancy test: 妊娠検査薬(にんしんけんさんやく Ninshinkensayaku)

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