What can we do for boosting up immune system?② -Intestinal Environment -
I guess you've heard the word of "Intestinal Environment" or "Gut Microbiome."
Intestine is not just a organ to put through the food or absorb nutrition.
Now it's found out that they are very important for your mental health.
So how do we boost it up?
If you live in Japan now, why don't you try to make miso soup for that?
Miso is fermented paste of soy beans.
Eating fermented foods boost the number of beneficial bacteria, or probiotics, found in your gut.
We normally put Tofu, Age(deep fried tofu), mushroom, some green veges such as spinach or spring onion and root veges like a radish or carrot in there.
That means you could get three important things for you gut once : [ fermented food] [soluble fibre][insoluble fibre]
Also, it warms up your body and make the blood circulation greater.
Don't you believe miso soup is super food for especially pregnant women?
Not make it too salty!
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