Lingering summer heat in Japan!?- home remedy recipe-
" Zansyo(残暑)"
We call it after around 7-8th of August till the end of August. This is because the heat of the summer lingers for a month or so.
I believe the definition of " Lingering summer heat" is changing, we can talk about it more in September.
so we still need to be careful to get heat stroke around this time.
and because of some fatigue/ tiredness through enjoying whole summer, don't forget that your body is getting easier to get damaged.
How can we be careful? more importantly, in the easy way?
Umeboshi ( pickled plum ) is one of great for these tiredness as it contains a lot of citric acid.
some eat as it is ( i like this!)
some love to have with hot water and rice ( sort of soup with rice style)
some make paste from it with miso and enjoy as dip for veges like cucumber or tomato.
Before you say you don't like it, just try them! You might find the new world :)
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