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[PBS News Weekend May 21, 2023] の字幕ファイルのダウンロード
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[01:51] 今日の主要ニュース
[03:59] The gun violence archive [** https://www.gunviolencearchive.org ] says there have been 232 incidents so far this year where four or more people have been shot.
[04:31]★今日のおすすめ★ 健康に重要な睡眠 アメリカ睡眠医学会のJennifer Martin会長に聞く 睡眠と体内時計の関係 「朝型」と「夜型」の人がいる理由は アメリカに多い睡眠障害は閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸と不眠症 睡眠障害が多い人口グループ 食事と運動と同じくらい睡眠は健康維持に重要 ティーンエージャーの体内時計 夏時間と体内時計
[04:42] We all have a 24-hour internal clock in our brains, a circadian rhythm [** = the "internal body clock" that regulates the (roughly) 24-hour cycle of biological processes in animals and plants (wiktionary). サーカディアン・リズム、概日リズム、体内時計 ] . It regulates when we feel alert and when we feel sleepy. It also fosters other physical, mental and behavioral changes. For example, what time of day you'll have the quickest reaction time or the most muscle strength, or when the body releases melatonin to prepare for sleep.
[06:37] Martin: some really smart scientists started noticing that night owls [** night owl = one who goes to bed late, or stays up late at night or in the early hours of the morning. 夜更かしをする人。夜型の人] tend to be in the same family and morning people tend to be in the same family. So this is very much genetically determined. Most people are somewhere in the middle, so their internal clock is a little bit flexible.
[07:14] So the two most common sleep disorders in the United States right now are obstructive sleep apnea [** = obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common sleep-related breathing disorder and is characterized by recurrent episodes of complete or partial obstruction of the upper airway leading to reduced or absent breathing during sleep... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obstructive_sleep_apnea 閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸 ] , which is a disorder where people have a hard time breathing while they're asleep. And the rates of sleep apnea very closely parallels rates of people being overweight or obese in the united states, that's a major cause of obstructive sleep apnea. The second most common sleep disorder is insomnia disorder. So that's a condition where people have a hard time sleeping more nights than not, this goes on for months or years.
[10:42]★今日のおすすめ★ DNAスピード解析装置は犯罪解決の決め手かプライバシー侵害か ルイジアナ州の警察の実例をRoby Chavez記者に聞く DNAスピード解析装置とはどのようなものか 実際に犯罪解決に効果を上げているのか プライバシーの問題 法廷で証拠採用されるのか DNA採取の頻度に人種差 FBIは厳格な運用基準の存在を主張 他の州へ広がるか
[13:06] And is this the kind of thing that can hold up [** to hold up = withstand. (この文脈では)証拠として効力を持つ。証拠採用の基準に耐える ] in a court of law?
[13:10] Well, look, Stephanie, in the past, the U.S. Supreme Court has said that DNA collection is a legitimate police booking [** booking = (law) the process of photographing, fingerprinting and recording the identifying data of a suspect following arrest (wiktionary). 容疑者の逮捕後に行われる写真撮影、指紋採取など一連の手続き ] procedure.
[16:07] 回顧録を書く一般人が増加 回顧録執筆支援サービスとは
[17:23] She often walked the paths near her home outside San Francisco both for inspiration and when writer's block [** = the (usually temporary) inability to begin or continue work on a piece of writing, especially creative writing. 作家が一時的にぶつかって書けなくなる「創作の壁」] struck.
[18:00] >> I'd already written a memoir. It was too long. They could help me polish, cut it in half, how to make it more readable, and, then, more importantly for me, I wanted to get it done and I wanted a hardcopy [** = a printed copy of a digital document, as opposed to a copy in electronic form. 電子書籍・文書ではなく紙に印刷したもの ] book. I wanted this book in my hand.
[21:55] 5月はアジア・太平洋諸島系アメリカ人歴史遺産月間 アジア系政治家の草分けダリップ・シン・ソーンド(Dalip Singh Saund)下院議員
[23:49] After gaining U.S. citizenship in 1949, he realized his ambition of running for office, and was elected in 1950 to be a local justice of the peace [** = a judicial officer with varying responsibilities depending on the jurisdiction. ] .