
体にいい食べ物編〜その2〜Foods that are good for your body ~Part 2~



Last time, I introduced wine in Part 1 of Healthy Foods. This time, I would like to introduce some excerpts from "Dietary Techniques Taught by Doctors" about cheeses that are very compatible with that wine.

-Healthy Foods Part 2 "Cheese"-


“Dairy products have been repeatedly debated as to whether they are good or bad for the body, but it is safe to say that cheese is a food that should be actively eaten for health. Cheese is a good source of high-quality protein without raising blood sugar levels, so it's recommended when you're hungry at work. ”


``However, choose natural cheese instead of artificially hardened processed cheese. It is better to choose one that is not too salty. By the way, it is said that goat's milk is better for the body than cow's milk.. It might be a good idea to try goat cheese as well.”


If you eat cheese with wine in the evening drink, it is a perfect match.
I don't drink much, but I like snacks, and I often eat cheese. Do you have any favorite snacks?See you soon.thank you very much.


参考文献 医者が教える食事術 最強の教科書
著者 牧田善二 
出版 ダイヤモンド社
