夏バテ予防にもつながる天然の「くすり」とは!?-What is the natural "medicine" that can help prevent summer fatigue?-
Good evening everyone. In the previous article, we introduced the fact that carnosine inhibits aging!? Carnosine, a substance found in large amounts in the liver and muscles of eel, chicken, tuna, and other meats, has extremely strong antioxidant properties. If you are interested, please check out that article as well. This time, we will introduce the contents of the title with an excerpt from "Doctors' Dietary Tips."
"Among the B vitamins, which are considered the most representative, B1 and B6 in particular are known to have strong anti-AGE properties. The daily requirement for vitamin B1 is 1.4 mg for men and 1.1 mg for women. A deficiency can cause leg fatigue and lethargy. Typical foods that are high in vitamin B1 include pork, eel, brown rice, buckwheat, soybeans, liver, and chicken. If you're feeling fatigued in the summer, it's a good idea to actively consume these foods."
"On the other hand, the required amount of vitamin B6 is 1.4 mg for men and 1.2 mg for women. Vitamin B6 is produced by intestinal bacteria, so it is said that it is rare to have a deficiency, but if the intestinal environment deteriorates due to the use of antibiotics, etc., it will become insufficient. Deficiency can cause glossitis, stomatitis, and angular cheilitis. It is widely contained in a variety of foods, and is particularly abundant in bonito, tuna, salmon, nuts, general meat, vegetables, bananas, and garlic."
What did you all think? Taking in a lot of vitamins suppresses AGEs and helps prevent aging. The other day, there was news that the rainy season had ended in the Kanto-Koshin and Tokai regions, and summer is just around the corner. Let's eat a nutritious diet and get through this summer. By the way, I prefer summer to winter lol. Which one do you prefer? I hope this article was helpful in some way. Until next time. Thank you.
参考文献 医者が教える食事術 最強の教科書
著者 牧田善二
出版 ダイヤモンド社