萃香への頌歌 (和訳付き)
Ode to Suika (Gathering Scent), a Japanese goblin 萃香への頌歌
Not exactly an ode in its original sense as I was incapable of writing one with an elaborate structure like that.
鬼(ゴブリン)たちの市場 the Goblin-Market — Ode to Suika
To Suika 萃香 (gathering scent) — 水化、醉稼、砕香、彗華、翠蛾、寿衣か、衰火、西貨。(changed water,drunken crops,broken scent,comet flower,jaden moth, be it burial shroud? declining fire, foreign coin)
(水化、醉稼、砕香、彗華、翠蛾、寿衣か、衰火、西貨 can all be read as Suika in Japanese.)
(This is a story about what happened after eastern goblins trying to found a prosperous market…
and through the guidance of Wise Sage they were able to make a market of…
and bad liqueur.)
It is Tau!
A wise sage, pondering in his mountainous heaven profound,
Upon sixty-four years of change, has decided among ogres of the mountain to found:
A goblin market.
“Wise is your love, and with it wisely you have played”
“Wiser is the love under Will, and Wisest is when Love is the Law”
“Goblins, be thyself, but found thee a market”
“Play in the mud as you will, but learn to make sake”
So wise is the Hermit in his schemes for life’s prolongation,
命を繋ぐ その賢い賢者の企み それは巧い
That he founds truly a goblins’ market, a Freelove’s State.
真の鬼たちの市 自由愛の国を 作った
“Rejoice, you still love as you will, but now
喜べもよい 意のままに愛でもいい しかし今
You have the juice of poppy to find more love in stranded heavens”
君たちは このケシの絞り汁で もっと孤島たる天国から もっともっと愛を探させられる
This juice of poppy that is his riddle,
Clever craft, innovative calculations,
That balances itself like an obelisk of most black jade
and erects itself neither upwards nor downwards.
Motionless against the world of three shifting wonders,
Learnt they have, with labourless labour (effortless work)
彼らは学んだ 無為(努力なく力)に従って
to create sacred liqueurs, of supernal taste.
聖なる薬草酒 神味の を作った
All goblins from all nations, satisfied!
世界の鬼たちは 大満腹!
drunk, carousing, laying waste but in silent repose they found peace.
酔って、狂歡(謝肉)、大暴れ。 でも静かな安息の中で、彼らは平和を見出す。
and their sleep was blessed by the harmony of threefold universe.
彼らの眠りは 三重の宇宙の調和によって 祝福された。
Yet, soon it is a wake
しかし まもなくはお通夜
Once was joyful, blessed, and free to love as they will
喜んでだ 祝福された 自由で愛する事も出来た
but now in deepest despair found they themselves, and lost all Arcadian grace.
しかし今彼らは最深の絶望の中で 桃源郷たる幽雅はも ない
Wise Sage has left them, said: “Well, Now do as thou wilt”
賢い賢者は彼らを残せ そ言った:「さー。今、意のままに生きよう。」
Disappeared He, a mystic, a magician.
それまま消えた 彼は ご禅宗、そして奇術師。
And the ogres will now shed tears, but they do not know tears and how
大鬼たち今は涙を流したいが 彼らは涙を知らず 流す技も
Asked I, “O Troubled kin, What ails Thee?”
「私」はこう尋ねた ”悩んでいる兄弟よ、汝を苦しめるのはなんだ?”
She, who once was a smug, a shorty, a brat general:
彼女 かつては自惚れ屋で、チビで、ガキ大将だった
now a sadder and wiser goblin,
今は より悲しく、より賢くなったゴブリン
“Oi- there Friend, stay and hear our woes,
”「君」 ーー 友よ、ちょっと待っててくれ 「我」の悩みを聞いて
I am whose head is dense, and sometimes too light
but often surprisingly wise:
Being drunk now with this luxuriant taste,
この芳醇な味わいに 酔いしれて
and all the halos that linger upon the tongue
through all this luscious lapping of this Truth’s font.
in this sated and blissful spirit, and filled with heavenly grace.
この満たされた至福の聖霊の中で 天の恵みに満たされて
I have for a moment rejoiced, and for a moment found my repose
刹那の喜びと安らぎを 私が得た
— but in my newly found self-knowledge and manly virtues
where has gone the goblin I, unenlightened, artless and brutal
who have played in the muddy pond in the field, and with that dirty hand wiped the sweats from my brows,
畑のぬかるんだ池で遊んでて そしてその汚い手で 眉間の汗を拭った、「私」
ignorant of sweeter sorrow or more bitter joy?”
あのもっと甘美なる憂鬱ともっと苦くなる喜びを 知らない 「私」は何処へ?
She says:
“(the scent that gathers implying the scent has once lingered.)
”(萃めるの香りの心は かつてその香りは散った。)
…and drink the opaque and coarse,
the changed lymphy juice of the seeds from muddy rice paddy?
透明(リンパ)なる 泥田で採れた種子 からのしぼり汁の 化したものを 飲んだ
and in the lacquered wooden goblet with a grin,
漆塗りの木椀の中 ニコリ
seeing so darkly foreboding shadows
on the surface of the sake, some unknown light illuming
酒の表面で見る なんにか未知の光が照らされて
taste is bad, taste is fine, our taste is plain like much diluted yellow-wine.
味は悪い、味は良い。「我」の味は水割りの老酒如く 地味
taste is nothing, against the aeons that dull and refine all that is left.
味は 残されたものすべてを鈍らせ、磨き上げる長い年月に対して、無に等しい。
But in some merciful oblivion can mayhap forget.”
She says:
“ (the scent that lingers implying the scent once was One that gathers).
”(散ってゆく香りの心は かつてあった香り 萃まるもの)
He said: ‘taste the spirit, not the wine.’
「彼」はこう言った 「精神を味わえ ワインを味わうな」
but is it not better if I taste much much more
でももっともっと味わえるのは 良いではないか?
if there is better than either, what is more? NEITHER!
どちらよりも 勝るものがあるとすれば それ以上のは何だろう? 「どちらもなく」 ね。
where can I again find the joy,
どこから「私」が再び あの喜びを見出せる?
not in the pond, nor in the sweat, nor in the sake.
沼でもなく 汗でもなく 酒でもなく
but in the unquellable thirst that drove me to being
あの 鎮められない渇き 「私」が存在にさせられて
and being in and towards all things philosophically thirsty.
そして あらゆるものに対して 哲学的に渇いている
Being an ogre, I know not the taste of true wine,
大鬼としての私は 真の葡萄酒の味を知らないが
Though through this opaque mirror I quenched my thirst
この乳文鏡を通して 私は渇きを癒した
more than what I can drink
through this newly found sight clearer and more roseate”
より鮮明な、よりバラ色な この新しい目から 飲めるのものによっては よりずっと
“It is not that ogres do not love, or do not know How.
”私たち鬼は愛を知らないのでも 愛の匠(ワザ)を知らないのでもない
(Mighty and black the alien and alienating Tau!)
(異質で疎外的 屈強と漆黒な 道(タオ)!)
Our love is too great to build equally a Temple from clay
私たちの愛は 粘土で建てられる神殿では 不適格
(All pervasive, all permissive, all defying and denying!)
(「彼」が 全てを貫く・全てを許す・全てを抵抗し、否定する!)
Are we ogres the pariah races? Or are we the superior?
私たち大きい鬼は賤民? それでも偉い?
(Tau, whose truths whomsoever in three-thousand-cosmoses can prevent?)
But all beings existing in the three-thousand-cosmoses,
しかし 三千世界に存在するすべての生きとし生けるもの、
(Even Budda, in shame, hides his blush in this one dark Atom-and-Aphorism,)
(仏でも・恥かしさの故に 自分の赤面を この暗い原子&真言の 中で隠す)
Even if you know to love and love to know, and love you may have known:
愛することを知っていても 知る事を愛しても 愛をも知ってしても:
(Formless, Formed and eternal Forms that says “Love is vain”)
無徳(無法) 有徳(得法) 道徳(法という徳を滅する) 全部がそう言ってる ”愛は虚しい”
Do you know MY love, not even hidden in my closed palm?
「私」の愛を知ってますか 閉じた手のひらにも隠せず
Does the clay mean much hate, is love impossible in the clay?
土は憎しみを意味するなのか? 土の中は愛が宿らないなのか?
But being born in the clay, borne from clay, and holding the clay with a muddy hand.
I know those who only laboured and did not play, would not know.
労苦しか知り 遊戯を知らぬ にはわからないだろうが
The grave and bountiful love,
その愛 重厚で豊潤な
concealed in the light and flat chest of a boy.”
少年の 軽く平らな胸に 隠されたもの
The liquors of Man perhaps lacks a little bit potency,
to us, the philosophical and naive tribe (most times being complete idiots)
私たち 哲学的で未熟の部族に対して (たいていの場合、完全にバカである)
of the eastern ogres, though under the yoke of foreign Forms.
東の大鬼たち 異郷のイデアの軛下にあっても
Perhaps with some redder vintage, browner mead or more crystal nectar
良かったら もっと赤いワイン もっと茶色い蜂蜜酒 もっと純白なネクターと一緒に。
But moreso with the duller, the filthier and the yellow old wine.
Make haste with all that are joyful in life,
Inebriated with the summer heat of a distant and mysterious Xanadu.
— ever summery and pretentious, Capital of the wisely bearded and gently cruel Khublah-Khan
賢そうなひげを蓄え 優しくも残酷なクビライ・ハーンの首都は いつも夏らしく気取っていた
that may never know the Truth of the coming all-mighty and grave Winter.
屈強と厳しいな冬という「真実」を 永遠に知らないかもしれない。
(O Orient!)
(ああ オリエント!)
A humble feast in some self-righteous pride,
独善的なプライドの中にある ささやかなごちそう
to drink the flesh, blood and seeds of life
Observed and served in an obedient funeral procession
through the venerable ancestral fanes made of bluepaint porcelain
染付で作られた 敬うべき とこしえの 廟宇を通して
that were shrouded in the rising amber smoke of glowing brick (brazen?) incense
— worshiping spiritless eternal spirits, sireless great-grandsires and clanless immortal kings.
霊なきとこしえの霊 種なき子子孫孫の祖 氏無き不滅不敗の君 を崇める。
with their nameless names written cursive and illegible on the name-plates old and crumbled,
彼らの名無し名を 草書で判読出来ぬ字で 古く崩れた位牌書にかれた
in blackest & most vicious ink.
Laid orderly in orderless order
upon rotting and moudly shelves, precarious but never fell.
朽ち果てそうな棚に並べられ 秩序なき秩序で整然に 危ないだが決して倒れることはない。
and eat the river that flows from some hidden cavernous heavens
そして 隠された洞中の天(洞窟の中の天)から流れる川を食え。
that connects to ‘some cool and sunless sea.’
under which burns quietly the black coal
within the fading memories of smothered jaden moths
who were made drunk from the scent of some felled black and olden trees
切り倒た 黒々とした古木の香りに 酔わされた 彼らは
Ancient and mortal is the music that were played,
from curiously shaped oblong lyres, end-blown pipes, and fish-like drums
その楽器 不思議な形をした長方形のライア、端吹きパイプ、魚のようなドラムは
made from curiously scented darkly mossy bamboo.
不思議な香りのする 濃い苔の生えた竹でできている
The scent that has gathered, lingers and scatters away.
かの香りは萃められて 余韻になれ そして散りゆく
But the scent was once one,
でもその香りは かつて一つだった
running its course subtly, vicious and brown.
緻密 そして悪性で 茶色のままに 流れていった
(Pray, it does not join the river of the black and mighty Tau!)
(How futile the philosopher-poet's task.
in gathering all missing pieces of scent and power in Nature and Universe,
and in attempting to make them whole --- in vain quest for Truth.
has contenmed it forever to flee from Her eyes, and had disappeared to an unknown infinity called Time.
Maybe the act of gathering scent is the proof of innocence, and immense power to create and enjoy life, like as a child you once did playing with mud in the field.)