




  • 拙作 Original Works

  • ex rebus Dolorum 再悲詩作

    「再悲詩」のマニフェストーーー新しい詩の試み Manifesto of Dolorum---a new experiment of poetry |JTR777 ( 自作再悲詩のコレクション collection of my own Dolorums

  • Notes for myself

  • つぶやき

  • エッセイ・散文・評論 Essay


  • 固定された記事

エレジー・哀歌;苦艾(苦ヨモギ)の泉 Elegy; Wormwood's Fountain

O, The sublime drunkard that is Wormwood; no matter  How many laughing Grapes they give to the black wine; I will not  Give you up. My green, clouded and clear, fountain-spouting heart. ヨモギの崇高な 酔いどれよ; たとえ彼らがどれだけの 笑い葡萄(ぶどう)を 黒きワインに差し上げようとも

    • hymn to Artemis

      hymn to Artemis "O silver Artemis, upon thy wheeled chariot unbroken flows that pacing stream beneath, as if in memory of the sunken Sun Whither dost thou travel, beyond those blue Halcyon drapes? Doth the immemorable course now return

      • ode jasmine

        I have a bloom of fresh jasmine in my hand: she was dress't with such damp but bright petals, and lithe in oppressing night's air strange warmth was playing in the stem that I felt when I plucked her up from bold face of water, and shu

        • The Domestic Drama of Dionysus and Zarathustra ディオニュソスとザラスシュトラの家庭ドラマ

          The Domestic Drama of Dionysus and Zarathustra A Sad Comedy in One Act Dramatis Personae: Dionysus—as Dionysus Dionysus—as Dionysus Dionysus—as Dionysus Exeunt— *(The angels whisper among the vines. As Zarathustra instructs his follo

        • 固定された記事

        エレジー・哀歌;苦艾(苦ヨモギ)の泉 Elegy; Wormwood's Fountain


        • 拙作 Original Works
        • ex rebus Dolorum 再悲詩作
        • Notes for myself
        • エッセイ・散文・評論 Essay
        • つぶやき
        • アニソン再訳(reinterpretations)



          LINEを無理やり 強要するセックスボットの数 その心は山頂の星如く 麓では何故か暗闇が怖い 空は広いなのに


          道満てる 晴れ明なりて

          道満てる 晴れ明なりて 祓え串 鳴せる玉音 谷過ぎぬ 垂奉られし  噂には 名も残らざり 鳴せる玉音 先の露には 粋非ず 侘しさと呑み 玉音に乾す filled is the path-- Sunlit sky becomes crisp clear Haraegushi (the cleansing wands) the sound of good beads it rung across the valley bestow'd through shide paper a

          道満てる 晴れ明なりて

          The cleaving edge of Worth shows up--

          The cleaving edge of Worth shows up-- to one unaware, whenever the balance of blade tips to one side: to distinguish is to know judgement, to know judgement is to accept the cleaving edge. Until no offence could be taken, a sword is a

          The cleaving edge of Worth shows up--

          ode to Aphrodite アフロディーテ頌

          forge and wild forge-fire--- best-suited home to beauty quelling wants within through smith's eloquent hammer skill, power, practiced grace smoke rises and foam dances--- ash-like Electrum forth bloom'd from anvil's matte face the r

          ode to Aphrodite アフロディーテ頌

          a summary of classic japanese poetry forms (including haiku and tanka)

          a summary of classic japanese poetry forms (including haiku and tanka) 5-7-5 haiku 5-7-7 katauta 5-7-5-7-7-7 Bussokusekika 5-7-5 7-7 tanka 5-7-7-5-7-7 sedoka 5-7 5-7 5-7 ... 5-7-7 chouka ( in japanese 音 on counts, or moras in Engli

          a summary of classic japanese poetry forms (including haiku and tanka)

          ode to ooeyama 大江山へ捧ぐ

          ode to ooeyama 大江山へ捧ぐ I was listening, to the rain, half way up the mountainside, where a still lake lay; when first I caught the distant clamour of waves and felt the uneasy air's upheaval; then came din of rumours, flung far on winds th

          ode to ooeyama 大江山へ捧ぐ

          a summary of classic japanese poetry forms (including haiku and tanka)

          a summary of classic japanese poetry forms (including haiku and tanka) 5-7-5 haiku 5-7-7 katauta 5-7-5-7-7-7 Bussokusekika 5-7-5 7-7 tanka 5-7-7-5-7-7 sedoka 5-7 5-7 5-7 ... 5-7-7 chouka i was taught by this post: https://www.facebo

          a summary of classic japanese poetry forms (including haiku and tanka)

          Xanadu 上都

          Namo God who spake of life-riddles through greenness falling proffer up the branch be it red or brown in Spring proffer up to you where life is always falling Namo deep in Xanadu the lapis lazuli sky Namo child of Xanadu the eve

          Xanadu 上都

          Lunate Steps 月の足取り (和訳付き)

          Lunate Steps 月の足取り: the bale piles that pile why mustn't I see the bright Moon while under straw's care? the bale piles that pile summer bugs drown light there on a slippery trail still Moon's silhouette He (Loki) across gliding sea

          Lunate Steps 月の足取り (和訳付き)

          ode to bad apple バッドアプルーへ

          the surface of lake reflects sky mine heart none, I sung to myself: "and if aught moves, is all to shatter and break? and I admit for myself a drop of sorrow, is the lake turning to a bright naught?" the surface of lake reflects sky

          ode to bad apple バッドアプルーへ

          to venus II

          to Venus II In this universe, I stand as the last man, Reason entices me with venomous advice; I defy safety, forsaking good sense, Stripped of all joyful choices. The world and heaven both disdain me; Leave me to my grave faults and

          academia アカデミア I

          I wonder if Socrates, with his student Plato in tow would suggest the empathetic difference to me, about Mozart and Chopin Music I were to bring to their Academia in Greece such informal matters, Time and Sound; Might they then proce

          academia アカデミア I