「エセ・インテレクトリズム」と言う単語に就いて (和訳付き) On the Term Pseudo-Intellectualism
My theory of how this word is originated:
where is this opinion, or artwork, or novel from? best-selling? included in uni textbook and curriculums? publicized through (especially American) media?
is it from a person with respectable family and education?
what is that person's gender?
what is that person's job? is it a respectable job? how respectable? income how much?
is that person a published writer, a tv-appearing commentator, a university professor?
from which institution of which country?
from the west or the east?
Russian? communism? Asian? Does he have the correspondent heritage and lineage so he can have an opinion?
what kind of media is it from, social media, popular media? "serious, real---money-making or awareness-making things" or "transcendental, beautiful---bloody poor literature and liberal arts waste of tax money things?"
is it from a movie that everyone watches? I don't watch movies if no one watches it.
この意見、作品、小説はどこの国のものなのか? ベストセラーになっているのか? 大学の教科書やカリキュラムに含まれているのか? (特にアメリカの)メディアを通じて公表されているのか? 立派な家庭や教育を受けた人のものなのか? その人の性別は? その人の仕事は? 立派な仕事なのか? どの程度立派なのか? 収入はどの程度なのか? その人は出版作家なのか、テレビに出演するコメンテーターなのか、大学教授なのか? どこの国のどの機関のものなのか? 西か東か? ロシアか? 共産主義か?アジア?相応しい血筋や伝統継承(Heritage)があるから意見を言えるのか?どのようなメディアからなのか?「真面目で、現実的な---金儲けや意識改革的(social awareness)なもの」なのか、「超越的、美しい---くそ貧乏な文学やリベラルアーツの卒業生による税金の無駄遣い的なもの」なのか、誰もが見る映画からなのか。誰も観ない映画は観ない。
Does it say something about sexy sex and does it condemn over-sexualisations?
Are there people who are bad and perverts killed in it? I love to watch people who are bad and perverts killed or tortured in ways as painful as possible, and lasting as long as possible. Social justice. Karmic retribution. We the People.
is it relevant to my job, career and promotion?
does it say something about how hard it is to get a job, get education for your kids, how much rent there is, and what you do during your weekend and vacation with your family?
is it liberal, democratic or some old European medieval nonsense our great Fatherland had defeated through liberty? Sieg Hail Liberty!
Does this have the same opinion as me? I will listen to those who do not have the same opinion as me. But I don't give a damn about persons who do not have the same opinion as me.
できるだけ痛い方法で、できるだけ長く続く方法で。社会正義。因果応報。私たち国民が(We the People,アメリカ憲法のドラフト)。
それはリベラルなのか、民主的なのか、それとも私たちの偉大な祖国(Vaterland)が自由によって打ち負かした古いヨーロッパの中世の戯言なのか?自由万歳(Sieg Hail Liberty)!これは私と同じ意見だろうか?私と同じ意見を持っていない人の意見には耳を傾ける。しかし、私と同じ意見を持っていない人の話していることなど聞くもんか!
Is it based on some good old Greek and Roman stuff that people teach at universities and poets and writers reference about? Or is it some new-age new-fangled new ideas? Greek and Roman stuff make money, are respectable as it is our tradition and the root of our nation. Like the bible and Tylor Swift.
This man is talking about something I do not know or cannot think up; this man must be telling lies.
Not many people watch this anime, or it has a low rating on myanimelist and does not have a dedicated community on 4ch, 2ch, discord or private anime communities. People say it is trash so it is trash,
Is he telling things people from the unis teach him to tell? or is he making new things up? new things are all false because they are not taught in the unis.
universities is equal to prestige, prestige is equal to rights to speak, rights to speak is equal to truth, because those who can speak and are heard always get some pennies out of it.
Does he have education in STEM, medicine or law or is he just some art or literature student trying to get some pennies with his pitiable certification and degree that doesn't land him a job?
Obviously all things like art, poetry or human emotion can be understood through chemicals and quantum physics you know. I just popped off some hard drugs and a whole bottle of hard liquor. I am on cloud nine, pal! I see everything true! Hiiiiiiii-hah! This -ism that -ism, John Lennon, this poem, that song, rapper killer; all go to hell! Listen to some Beatles, Bob Dylan or whatever people listen to these days to feel good! (rock you out good, babe!)
芸術や詩や人間の感情のようなものはすべて、化学物質とかなんとかや量子とかなんとかグルグル回って出来てるものだ!良い大学でそれを学べればそれの全部を理解することができるだぜ!僕は今、ハードドラッグとハードリカーを抜いた(pop off、摂取する)ところなんだ。雲の上だよ(cloud nine)!すべてが真実だと思えるんだ!ひぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃ このイズムも、あのイズムも、ジョン・レノン!(ジョン・レノンから、この様な歌もあるらしい)この詩も、あの曲も、ラッパー・キラー!(ラッパの喇叭でラプチャーしよう!)、みんな地獄に落ちろ!ビートルズでもボブ・ディランでも、最近の人が気分よく聴ける曲を聴こう!(ロック・ユー・アウト・グッド・ベイブ!rock you out good, babe! 人とセックスしたいの意味)...
too many examples to name.
People, when they see things they cannot do or think up, first would force them to wear the mask of being false. Falsehood is safe. Believing in all things are false makes one feel safe in resignation. Nihilistic. Unthinking. Continuous discarding and disregarding values and meanings in life. Consumerism of not capital and goods, but their own noble spirit and thinking mind. After all:
Man, do not be so serious. This is just some funny, false-intellectual, -never-went-to-college, drug-doing-hippie, new-age, not-agree-with-democracy, -fringe-science, charity-begging, outdated-European, obsolete-music, out-of-fashion-not-cool, no-one-give-a-damn, needs-to-be-put-to-its-place, cultural-appropriating, politically-incorrect, no-good-moral-and-no-good-ending, no-capital-worth, no-grass-roots-movement, no-entrepreneurship-business, uncorporated, free-lance-crank, college-dropout, egdy-kid-from-grade10-who-read-lovecraft, summer-love, puppy-dog nonsense. I am a grown up, tax-paying, family-raising, abused by rent-and-food-expenses, movie-going, novel-reading, funny and witty, well-liked, good-career having, sexy love-making, many-girlfriends-had-at-high-school, penis-big-and-long, smart, master-degree, venture-business, beer-drinking, dinner-going, romantic, drunken, well-behaved, smart, potent, penis-strong, master-love-maker, grown-up, mature man.. I watch rick and morty and I think it is witty and intellectual. I comment on SNS and facebook in philosophy and social science communities with the knowledge I learnt from my master thesis. Of course I remember to rehash and quote the exact same things I cited for my dissertation as I don't know how to write anything else or anything new, I am not a philosopher or anything man I am just an educated man graduated from a good college. Of course I am intellectual. And that man going against the winds and currents of Politikgeist of our democracy, our education, our Hollywood, our capital worth, must be a devil, a false prophet, undemocratic, penis-short, penny-grabbing, college-dropout, unscientific, waste-of-tax-money of a false-intellectual!
To hell with intellectualism! No I mean false-intellectualism.
You don't agree? Wait for me to post on facebook, SNS or Youtube arguing against you for 30 minutes. I will cite all the sources I used in my graduation thesis!
例を挙げればきりがない。人は、自分ができないことや思いつかないことを目の当たりにすると、まずせれを「偽物」の仮面をかぶり、「偽物」として認識させざるを得なくなる。偽りは安全だ。あらゆるものが偽りだと信じることで、人は諦めの中で安心する。虚無的。無思考。人生における価値や意味を捨て続け、無視し続ける。資本や商品ではなく、自分自身の崇高な精神と考える心の消費主義。結局のところ:Man! そんなに深刻になるな。これは、ただのおかしな、偽インテリで、浪人百万年、大学にも行かず、ドラッグをやり、ヒッピーで、ニューエイジで、民主主義とは無縁で、フリンジ・サイエンス(境界科学、エセ科学)で、チャリティーや政府を物乞いし、時代遅れのヨーロッパ(アメリカではヨーロッパの国々は後進国と認識している人もいる)で、時代遅れの音楽で(洋楽では時代遅れの音楽は人々を聞かない、聞く人をダサ・lameいと言う)、時代遅れのファッションで、クールでなく、誰も気にしない、「自分の身分をわきまえろべき」ものだ、
*1 to clarify, there are indeed real crank theorists and conspiracists in both the west and the east. but there are also occasions where people do not care for anything that do not affirm and correspond to what they have already known. Many online forums, reddits, and places for discussions are full of people who are rehashing and making silly jokes of things they have already learned and known, without so much as any reflection or rumination. No serious mood for academic discussion and typically ignore those who they think did not read what they have read and speak funny.
I have no intention of belittling or denigrating higher education. Although I wish to expose that there are people who behave like that even after going through higher education. Most importantly, the short essay above is intended to be awork of pure sarcasm and caricature, conveying only personal opinions on this matter. If I have offended anyone please forgive me, I only wrote down what I saw in front me that appears to be the Truth.