
TOEFL 英英単熟語

「TOEFL 英英単熟語」の電子書籍を出版したので紹介させていただきます。


 1. **英語で考える力の向上**

   - TOEFLは英語で出題されるため、英英辞典を使うことで、単語の意味を英語のまま理解する力が養われます。これにより、リーディングやリスニングでの理解が深まり、試験本番で役立ちます。

 2. **ニュアンスの理解**

   - 英英辞典では、単語の定義が詳しく説明されており、微妙なニュアンスや複数の意味を学ぶことができます。これはTOEFLのようなアカデミックな試験で特に重要です。

 3. **語彙力の強化**

   - TOEFLでは幅広い語彙が求められるため、英英辞典を使って新しい単語を学ぶことで、試験で必要な語彙力を効率的に強化できます。特に、TOEFLに頻出する単語やフレーズが多く載っている辞書を活用すると効果的です。

 4. **文脈での理解**

   - 英英辞典には例文が豊富に含まれているため、単語が実際にどのように使われるかを文脈で学ぶことができます。これにより、単語の使い方や適切な表現方法も身につけることができます。




 a substance which contains a weak form of the bacteria or virus that causes a disease and is used to protect people from that disease


 one of the foods that you use to make a particular food or dish


 the smallest unit into which any substance can be divided without losing its own chemical nature, usually consisting of two or more atoms


 the smallest part of an element that can exist alone or can combine with other substances to form a molecule


 one of several natural substances that exist in food such as meat, eggs, and beans, and which your body needs in order to grow and remain strong and healthy


 to make heat, light, liquid etc spread through something, or to spread like this


 a substance or drug that makes your body processes slower and makes you feel very relaxed or sleepy


 a drug or substance that makes you feel more active and full of energy


 the speed of something that is moving in a particular direction


 the force that makes a moving object keep moving


 disagreement, angry feelings, or unfriendliness between people


 when no one wants to do anything to change a situation


 something that allows electricity or heat to travel along it or through it


 an image that you can see in a mirror, glass, or water


 if glass or water refracts light, the light changes direction when it passes through the glass or water


 if something vibrates, or if you vibrate it, it shakes quickly and continuously with very small movements


 the number of radio waves, sound waves etc that pass any point per second


 the resonance of a sound is its quality of being deep and loud and continuing for a long time


 an effect caused by hot air in a desert, which makes you think that you can see objects when they are not actually there


 a system of government in which every citizen in the country can vote to elect its government officials


 a set of basic laws and principles that a country or organization is governed by


 to make a law about something


 relating to the law, judges, or their decisions


 if someone in authority vetoes something, they refuse to allow it to happen, especially something that other people or organizations have agreed


 a small change, improvement, or addition that is made to a law or document, or the process of doing this


 the right to vote in national elections


 to make a written agreement official by signing it


 relating to money or the management of money


 the legal right to be the only producer or seller of a book, play, film, or record for a specific length of time


 money or property, especially when it is used to start a business or to produce more wealth


 if a company or government has a monopoly of a business or political activity, it has complete control of it so that other organizations cannot compete with it


 the joining together of two or more companies or organizations to form one larger one


 a large business organization consisting of several different companies that have joined together


 a part of a company’s profit that is divided among the people with shares in the company


 the business of selling goods in large quantities at low prices to other businesses, rather than to the general public 


 to exchange goods, work, or services for other goods or services rather than for money


 to put money or something valuable in a bank or other place where it will be safe


 the cost of insurance, especially the amount that you pay each year


 a difficult time when there is less trade, business activity etc in a country than usual


 the study of ancient societies by examining what remains of their buildings, graves, tools etc


 the usual or normal situation, way of doing something etc


 having qualities considered to be typical of men or of what men do 


 to say what medicine or treatment a sick person should have


 to arrange laws, principles, facts etc in a system


 to obey a law, rule etc


 different, in a bad way, from what is considered normal


 a country or area that is under the political control of a more powerful country, usually one that is far away


 when a lot of people move to a place in order to live there, especially in a place where not many people have lived before

・figure out

 to think about a problem or situation until you find the answer or understand what has happened

・come down with

 to get an illness

・bank on

 to depend on something happening or someone doing something

・bread and butter

 bread-and-butter work is work that is not very exciting but provides you with most of the money that you need in order to live

・get the better of

 to defeat someone or deal successfully with a problem

・on the tip of one's tongue

 if something is on the tip of your tongue, you really want to say it, but then you decide not to

・once in a blue moon

 very rarely

・feel like a million dollars

 to look very attractive or feel very happy and healthy

・a snow job

 an act of making someone believe something that is not true

・wet behind the ears

 very young and without much experience of life

・walk out

 to stop working as a protest

・wait on

 to serve food and drink to someone at their table, especially in a restaurant

・a feather in one's cap

 something you have done that you should be proud of

・call off

 to decide that a planned event will not take place 

・wrap up

 to finish a job, meeting etc

・take a shortcut

 a quicker and more direct way of getting somewhere than the usual one

・stand up for

 to support or defend a person or idea when they are being attacked

・sort out

 to arrange or organize something that is mixed up or untidy, so that it is ready to be used

・a fly in the ointment

 the only thing that spoils something and prevents it from being successful

・all thumbs

 to use your hands in an awkward or careless way, so that you drop or break things

・ring a bell

 if something rings a bell, it reminds you of something, but you cannot remember exactly what it is

・a whole new ballgame

 a situation that is very different from the one you are used to

・anybody's guess

 to be something that no one knows

・old habits die hard

 used to say that it is difficult to make people change their attitudes or behavior

・there are more fish in the sea

 used to tell someone whose relationship has ended that there are other people they can have a relationship with

・a slap in the face

 an action that seems to be deliberately intended to offend or upset someone, especially someone who has tried very hard to do something

・pull one's leg

 to tell someone something that is not true, as a joke

・knock it off

 used to tell someone to stop doing something, because it is annoying you

・go overboard

 to do or say something that is too extreme for a particular situation

・go Dutch

 to share the cost of a meal in a restaurant

・catch on

 to become popular and fashionable

・upset the applecart

 to completely spoil someone’s plans

・throw the book at

 to punish someone as severely as possible or charge them with as many offenses as possible

・take the words right out of my mouth

 if someone takes the words out of your mouth, they have just said what you were going to say

・sleep on it

 to not make a decision about something important until the next day

・sing another tune

 to say something different from what you said before

・smell a rat

 to guess that something wrong or dishonest is happening

・kick the habit

 to stop doing something that is a harmful habit, such as smoking, taking drugs etc

・on the cutting edge

 the newest and most exciting stage in the development of something

・pound the pavement

 to work very hard to get something, especially a job, by going to a lot of different places

・not get a wink of sleep

 not be able to sleep at all

・meddle in

 to deliberately try to influence or change a situation that does not concern you, or that you do not understand 

・make a clean breast of

 to admit that you have done something wrong so that you no longer feel guilty

・get cold feet

 to suddenly feel that you are not brave enough to do something you planned to do

・lag behind

 to move or develop more slowly than others

・keep to oneself

 to live a very quiet private life and not do many things that involve other people

・give in

 to finally agree to do or accept something that you had at first opposed, especially because someone has forced or persuaded you to

・get nowhere

 to have no success or make no progress

・get along

 if two or more people get along, they have a friendly relationship

・fall through

 if an agreement, plan, sale etc falls through, it is not completed successfully

・fall behind

 to make less progress than others in a competitive situation

・eat out

 to eat in a restaurant instead of at home

・cut corners

 to save time, money, or energy by doing things quickly and not as carefully as you should

・couldn't be better

 used to emphasize how good something is

・foot the bill

 to pay for something, especially something expensive that you do not want to pay for

・cut class

 to deliberately not go to a class that you should go to

・be head and shoulders above

 to be much better than other people

