



  1. 科学的エビデンスへの重視

    • 漢方薬は西洋医学的なランダム化比較試験などのエビデンスが乏しいとされることが多く、科学的根拠が明確でない点を批判する医師がいます。

    • 西洋医学では薬効を明確にするためのメカニズム解明が重視されますが、漢方薬は複雑な薬理や経験則に基づくため、これを「非科学的」とみなす医師もいます。

  2. 教育背景の影響

    • 日本の医学教育では西洋医学が中心であり、漢方薬について学ぶ機会が少ないため、「よく分からない」「古臭い」という先入観を持つ医師もいます。

    • 漢方に関する知識不足から誤解や偏見を抱き、正しく評価できないケースもあります。

  3. 現代医学への信頼

    • 現代医学の進歩によって多くの病気が治療可能になったことから、漢方薬を「時代遅れ」と見なす考え方があります。

    • 特に病態を特定し、それにピンポイントで作用する西洋薬と比較し、漢方薬の効果を曖昧だと感じる場合があります。

  4. 得体の知れないものへの不信感

    • 漢方薬は複数の成分を含む混合物であり、その全ての成分が薬理学的に解明されているわけではありません。この「得体が知れない」という感覚から拒否反応を示す医師もいます。

  5. 副作用や安全性への懸念

    • 一部の医師は、漢方薬にも副作用があることを強調し、それを理由に使用を避ける傾向があります。

  6. 患者ニーズとの不一致

    • 漢方薬特有の匂いや味、または煎じ薬などの使用方法に対して抵抗感を持つ患者もいるため、それに合わせて漢方治療を避ける医師もいます。



Doctors who are critical of Kampo medicine (traditional Japanese herbal medicine) often exhibit the following characteristics:

Key Characteristics of Doctors Critical of Kampo Medicine

  1. Emphasis on Scientific Evidence

    • Kampo medicine is often criticized for lacking robust scientific evidence, such as randomized controlled trials, which are highly valued in Western medicine.

    • Western medicine prioritizes understanding the mechanisms of action for treatments, while Kampo relies on complex pharmacology and empirical knowledge, leading some doctors to view it as "unscientific."

  2. Influence of Educational Background

    • Medical education in Japan is predominantly focused on Western medicine, leaving little room for learning about Kampo. This can result in preconceived notions that it is "outdated" or "unclear."

    • A lack of knowledge about Kampo may lead to misunderstandings or biases, preventing some doctors from evaluating it accurately.

  3. Trust in Modern Medicine

    • The advancements in modern medicine have made many diseases treatable, causing some doctors to see Kampo as "obsolete."

    • Compared to Western drugs that target specific conditions with precision, Kampo's effects may seem vague or less reliable to these doctors.

  4. Skepticism Toward the Unknown

    • Kampo medicines are mixtures containing multiple components, and not all of their pharmacological properties are fully understood. This sense of the "unknown" can lead to distrust among some doctors.

  5. Concerns About Side Effects and Safety

    • Some doctors emphasize that Kampo medicines can also cause side effects and use this as a reason to avoid prescribing them.

  6. Mismatch with Patient Preferences

    • The unique characteristics of Kampo medicine, such as its taste, smell, or the preparation process (e.g., decoctions), may not align with patient preferences. Some doctors may avoid recommending Kampo to cater to these preferences.


Doctors critical of Kampo medicine often base their skepticism on factors such as the lack of scientific evidence, their educational background, and their trust in modern medical advancements. However, it is important to note that many of these doctors do not outright reject Kampo but rather express concerns about its evidence base and practical application.
