


1. 胎児期の左右軸決定



  • Nodal遺伝子: 左側で活性化し、非対称性形成を誘導。

  • Pitx2遺伝子: 左側特異的に発現し、心臓や他の内臓器官の配置を制御。

2. 心筒(原始心臓)の形成とループ構造


  • 右側では細胞が再配列し、長軸方向への伸長を促進。

  • 左側では細胞形状が変化し、周方向への変形を助ける。


3. 内因的な細胞運動


4. 左右非対称性異常と疾患


  • 心臓や他の内臓器官が左右逆転する「全内臓逆位」。

  • 左右非対称性が完全でない場合には先天性心疾患(単心室症や肺動脈閉鎖症など)が発症することがあります。



The reason the heart is located on the left side of the body lies in the process of "left-right asymmetry" established during fetal development. This asymmetry is determined by a combination of genetic factors, cellular movements, and structural changes. Below is a detailed explanation of this mechanism:

1. Left-Right Axis Determination in Early Development

In the early stages of embryonic development, the body is initially symmetrical. However, a structure called the "node" in the embryo contains cilia that rotate in a specific direction, creating a right-to-left fluid flow (nodal flow). This flow acts as a signal to activate specific genes (such as Nodal, Lefty, and Pitx2) on the left side of the embryo. These genes establish left-right asymmetry, determining the placement of organs like the heart.

Key Genes and Molecular Mechanisms

  • Nodal gene: Activates on the left side and initiates asymmetry formation.

  • Pitx2 gene: Expressed specifically on the left side and regulates the positioning of the heart and other organs.

2. Formation of the Heart Tube and Looping

The heart begins as a simple tubular structure called the "heart tube." During development, this tube undergoes a process called "C-looping," where it bends and twists toward the right side. This looping creates asymmetry in the heart's structure and positions it slightly to the left in the chest cavity.

Cellular Movements During Looping

  • On the right side of the developing heart tube, cells rearrange to promote elongation along its axis.

  • On the left side, cells change shape to facilitate bending and looping.

These cellular movements and structural changes result in the heart's final position toward the left side of the body.

3. Intrinsic Cellular Movements

While external forces or spatial constraints were once thought to cause this asymmetry, recent research highlights that intrinsic "collective cell movements" play a critical role. Specific groups of myocardial cells on the right side realign themselves in a way that causes the entire heart tube to loop rightward, ultimately positioning the heart on the left.

4. Disorders Related to Asymmetry

When this process is disrupted, it can lead to conditions such as "situs inversus," where organs are mirrored to opposite sides. For example:

  • In "complete situs inversus," all internal organs, including the heart, are reversed.

  • In cases where asymmetry is incomplete or abnormal, congenital heart defects (e.g., single ventricle or pulmonary atresia) may occur.


The positioning of the heart on the left side results from precise genetic regulation and cellular dynamics during fetal development. This process is crucial for proper organ function and survival. Understanding these mechanisms also provides insights into congenital disorders and developmental anomalies.
