
GMAT 英英単語

「GMAT 英英単語」の電子書籍を出版したので紹介させていただきます。



  1. MBAプログラムへの入学要件:

    • 多くのビジネススクールでGMATスコアが入学要件となっており、特にトップスクールでは高いスコアが求められます。

  2. 能力の証明:

    • GMATは英語力、数学的能力、分析的思考力を測定するため、これらのスキルを持っていることを証明できます。

  3. 競争力の向上:

    • 高スコアを取得することで、他の候補者との差別化が図れ、合格率が上がる可能性があります。


  • セクション: 英語(Verbal)、数学(Quantitative)、ライティング(AWA)、総合推理(Integrated Reasoning)

  • スコア範囲: 200〜800点




 to be more in number than another group


 someone who supports the activities of an organization, for example by giving money


 a special document that gives you the right to make or sell a new invention or product that no one else is allowed to copy


 someone who strongly supports a political party, plan, or leader


 harmful dust in the air, especially produced by car engines


 the area that a priest in some Christian churches is responsible for


 a plant or animal that lives on or in another plant or animal and gets food from it


 work such as writing letters or reports, which must be done but is not very interesting


 a sudden feeling of pain, sadness etc


 a group of people with skills or specialist knowledge who have been chosen to give advice or opinions on a particular subject


 a paltry amount of something is too small to be useful or important


 the inside surface of your hand, in which you hold things


 reasonable and likely to be true or successful


 someone who brings a legal action against another person in a court of law 


 a disease that causes death and spreads quickly to a large number of people


 the most successful, powerful, exciting etc part of something


 false or not real, and intended to deceive someone


 to treat someone cruelly or unfairly over a period of time, especially because of their religious or political beliefs


 to die, especially in a terrible or sudden way


 to understand or think of something or someone in a particular way


 a flat shape with five sides and five angles


 your peers are the people who are the same age as you, or who have the same type of job, social class etc


 someone who is walking, especially along a street or other place used by cars


 to use or visit a particular shop, restaurant, hotel etc


 preferential treatment, rates etc are deliberately different in order to give an advantage to particular people


 an introduction at the beginning of a book or speech


 a tendency to behave in a particular way or suffer from a particular illness


 an animal that kills and eats other animals


 something that happened or existed before something else and influenced its development


 a chemical process in which a solid substance is separated from a liquid


 objects made out of baked clay


 having a very powerful effect or influence on your body or mind


 a hard shiny white substance that is used for making expensive plates, cups etc


 a flat shape with three or more sides


 a serious illness that affects your lungs and makes it difficult for you to breathe


 to ask for something that you want very much, in a sincere and emotional way


 a young dog


 the business of making sure that people know about a new product, film etc or what a particular famous person is doing


 a young person who has a great natural ability in a subject or skill


 the money that is obtained from doing something or selling something


 to ask questions in order to find things out, especially things that other people do not want you to know


 a member of the group of animals that includes humans and monkeys


 an animal, bird etc that is hunted and eaten by another animal


 having happened or existed before the event, time, or thing that you are talking about now


 common at a particular time, in a particular place, or among a particular group of people


 the respect and admiration that someone or something gets because of their success or important position in society


 if something preoccupies someone, they think or worry about it a lot


 happening before the natural or proper time

