
技術英語能力検定【技術英検】 英英単語

「技術英語能力検定【技術英検】 英英単語」の電子書籍を出版したので紹介させていただきます。



  • 定義: 科学技術情報のコミュニケーションに必要な英語

  • 特徴: 正確さ、明確さ、簡潔さが求められる

  • 応用範囲: 科学技術分野全般


  • 定義: 製造業や工業分野で使用される英語

  • 特徴: 特定の工業製品やプロセスに関連する専門用語が必要

  • 応用範囲: 製造業や工業分野





 an acute problem is very serious


 to change something to make it suitable for a different purpose


 the act of adding something to something else


 enough in quantity or of a good enough quality for a particular purpose 


 to stick firmly to something


 a room, building, piece of land etc that is adjacent to something is next to it


 admissible reasons, facts etc are acceptable or allowed, especially in a court of law 


 to fasten or stick something to something else


 to make a bad situation, an illness, or an injury worse


 a plane or other vehicle that can fly


 a science studied in the Middle Ages, that involved trying to change ordinary metals into gold


 the state of being arranged in a line with something or parallel to something


 a substance that forms a chemical salt when combined with an acid 


 a metal that consists of two or more metals mixed together


 an object that produces an alternating current, especially in a car


 a small change, improvement, or addition that is made to a law or document, or the process of doing this


 a piece of electrical equipment that makes sound louder 


 something that seems similar between two situations, processes etc


 to make metal or glass hard by heating it and then slowly letting it get cold


 the part of a battery that collects electrons, often a wire or piece of metal with the sign (+) 


 an event, organization, or thing that is similar to the one you have mentioned but existed earlier


 waste resulting from something being spoiled


 a drug that is used to kill bacteria and cure infections


 the top or highest part of something pointed or curved


 the set of tools and machines that you use for a particular scientific, medical, or technical purpose


 easy to notice


 a part at the end of a book containing additional information


 if something is applicable to a particular person, group, or situation, it affects them or is related to them


 to officially judge how successful, effective, or valuable something is 


 someone who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in order to learn a particular skill or job


 an approximate number, amount, or time is close to the exact number, amount etc, but could be a little bit more or less than it


 decided or arranged without any reason or plan, often unfairly


 a set of numbers or signs, or of computer memory units, arranged in lines across or down


 one of the tubes that carries blood from your heart to the rest of your body 


 not real or not made of natural things but made to be like something that is real or natural


 the process of putting the parts of something together


 if people assimilate, or are assimilated into a country or group, they become part of that group and are accepted by the people in that group


 something that you think is true although you have no definite proof 


 a scientist who studies the stars and planets


 a part that you can put onto a machine to make it do a particular job


 to reach a particular level, age, size etc


 a quality or feature, especially one that is considered to be good or useful


 a car


 an auxiliary motor, piece of equipment etc is kept ready to be used if the main one stops working properly

