英検 2・準2級 英英単語
「英検 2・準2級 英英単語」の電子書籍を出版したので紹介させていただきます。
英検2級: 高校卒業程度の英語力が求められます。社会的な話題についての理解や意見を述べる能力が必要です。
英検準2級: 高校中級程度の英語力が必要で、日常生活で使われる英語を理解し、使用できることが求められます。
語彙数: 2級では約5,100語、準2級では約3,600語の語彙力が求められます。
リーディング: 2級はより長文で複雑な内容、準2級は比較的短く日常的なトピック。
ライティング: 2級ではより高度な議論や意見を求められる一方、準2級は基本的な意見表現が中心です。
リスニングとスピーキング: 両方とも会話や状況理解を含みますが、2級はより複雑な状況設定がされます。
the main subject or idea in a piece of writing, speech, film etc
a solid thing that you can hold, touch, or see but that is not alive
a machine or tool that does a special job
an area of land behind a house, often covered with grass
a description of what is likely to happen in the future, based on the information that you have now
a large area of a country or of the world, usually without exact limits
the joint that bends in the middle of your leg
a fact or thing that someone finds out about, when it was not known about before
the top layer of an area of water or land
the physical ability to see
a chance to do something or an occasion when it is easy for you to do something
a system or method for carrying passengers or goods from one place to another
an important city where the main government of a country, state etc is
the thing you are talking about or considering in a conversation, discussion, book, film etc
a subject or problem that is often discussed or argued about, especially a social or political matter that affects the interests of a lot of people
a machine with an engine that is used to take people or things from one place to another, such as a car, bus, or truck
a large room for several people to sleep in, for example in a boarding school or hostel
to speak or say something very quietly, using your breath rather than your voice
if the wind or a current of air blows, it moves
when a dog barks, it makes a short loud sound or series of sounds
to take something away from, out of, or off the place where it is
to stop being angry with someone and stop blaming them, although they have done something wrong
to hurt yourself or someone else, for example in an accident or an attack
to make something continue in the same way or at the same standard as before
a feeling of being not sure whether something is true or right
to make someone interested in something, or make them want to take part in something
to show or prove something clearly
to learn words, music etc so that you know them perfectly
a small hard object produced by plants, from which a new plant of the same kind grows
the price you pay to travel somewhere by bus, train, plane etc
a thing, place, activity etc that you get something from
a natural tendency to behave in a particular way or a natural ability to know something, which is not learned
the process of making air, water, soil etc dangerously dirty and not suitable for people to use, or the state of being dangerously dirty
a scientific test done to find out how something reacts under certain conditions, or to find out if a particular idea is true
a statement telling someone what they must do
a substance such as coal, gas, or oil that can be burned to produce heat or energy
someone who has been attacked, robbed, or murdered
a long passage between rows of seats in a church, plane etc, or between rows of shelves in a shop
・watch out
used to tell someone to be careful
・put out
to make a fire etc stop burning
・call off
to decide and announce that something should be stopped or should not take place
・care for
to look after someone who is not able to look after themselves
・stand for
if a letter or symbol stands for something, it represents a word or idea, especially as a short form
・point out
to tell someone something that they did not already know or had not thought about
・bring up
to look after and influence a child until he or she is grown up
・hand out
to give something to each person in a group
・get over
to become well again after an illness
・stop by
to make a short visit to a place or a person’s home, especially while you are going somewhere else
・pick out
to choose someone or something from a group
・turn down
to refuse an offer, request, or invitation
・eat out
to eat in a restaurant instead of at home
・pass away
to die – use this when you want to avoid saying the word ‘die’
・look up to
to admire or respect someone
・carry out
to do something that needs to be organized and planned
・break into
to enter a building or car by using force, in order to steal something
・try on
to put on a piece of clothing to see if it fits you or if it suits you, especially in a shop
・look up
if you look up information in a book, on a computer etc, you try to find it there
・carry on
to continue doing something
・count on
to depend on someone or something, especially in a difficult situation
・major in
to study something as your main subject at college or university
・stare at
to look at something or someone for a long time without moving your eyes, for example because you are surprised, angry, or bored
・sign up for
to put your name on a list for something because you want to take part in it
・go through
to experience a difficult or unpleasant situation, feeling etc
・stick to
to keep using or doing one particular thing and not change to anything else
・line up
if people line up, or if you line them up, they stand in a row or line, or you make them do this
・set off
to start to go somewhere
・do away with
to get rid of something or stop using it
・hang up
to finish a telephone conversation
・break out
if something unpleasant such as a fire, fight, or war breaks out, it starts to happen
・come across
to meet, find, or discover someone or something by chance
・die out
to disappear or stop existing completely
・make out
to understand something, especially the reason why something has happened
・look down on
to think that you are better than someone else, for example because you are more successful, or of a higher social class than they are
・brush up
to practice and improve your skills or your knowledge of something that you learned in the past
・refrain from
to not do something that you want to do
・occur to
if an idea or a thought occurs to you, it suddenly comes into your mind
・throw away
to get rid of something that you do not want or need
・make up for
to make a bad situation better, or replace something that has been lost
・be sick of
to be angry or bored with something that has been happening for a long time
・take place
to happen, especially after being planned or arranged
・get rid of
to throw away or destroy something you do not want anymore
・make use of
to use something that is available in order to achieve something or get an advantage for yourself
・have second thoughts
to start having doubts about a decision you have made
・kill time
to spend time doing something which is not important, while you are waiting to do something important or waiting for something else to happen
・in return
as payment or reward for something
・so far
until now