



  1. 生命を脅かす合併症

    • 肝不全では、血液中に毒素が蓄積し、「肝性脳症」と呼ばれる脳機能障害を引き起こします。これにより、意識障害や昏睡状態に陥ることがあります。

    • 血液凝固因子が不足するため、出血が止まりにくくなる「凝固障害」が発生します。

    • 腎不全や多臓器不全を併発するリスクも高まります。

  2. 感染症リスクの増加

    • 肝不全では免疫力が低下し、細菌感染や敗血症(重篤な感染症)を引き起こしやすくなります。これが進行すると致命的になる可能性があります。

  3. 代謝異常

    • 血糖値の低下(低血糖)や電解質異常(ナトリウムやカリウムのバランス異常)が起こり、心臓や神経系に悪影響を及ぼします。

  4. 慢性肝疾患からの進行

    • 肝硬変などの慢性肝疾患が進行すると肝不全に至ります。肝硬変では正常な肝細胞が線維化組織に置き換わり、肝臓の機能が徐々に失われます。

  5. 急性肝不全の原因

    • ウイルス性肝炎(A型、B型、E型など)、薬物中毒(例:アセトアミノフェン過剰摂取)、アルコール中毒、有毒物質への暴露などが急性肝不全を引き起こす主な原因です。

  6. 治療選択肢の限界

    • 肝不全は進行すると治療が困難になり、場合によっては肝移植以外に生存の可能性がなくなることがあります。


  • 黄疸(皮膚や目が黄色くなる)

  • 倦怠感や食欲不振

  • 腹水(腹部に液体が溜まる)

  • 意識混濁や錯乱

  • 出血傾向(鼻血や歯茎からの出血)


  • 予防: 過度なアルコール摂取を避ける、健康的な体重を維持する、B型・C型肝炎ウイルスへの感染予防(ワクチン接種や適切な医療処置)、薬剤の適正使用。

  • 治療: 急性の場合は集中治療室での管理が必要であり、慢性の場合は生活習慣改善と定期的な医療管理で進行を遅らせることが重要です。重症例では肝移植が検討されます。


Liver failure, whether acute or chronic, is a life-threatening condition in which the liver loses its ability to perform essential functions such as detoxification, protein synthesis, and regulation of metabolism. Its severity lies in the following aspects:

Key Risks and Impacts of Liver Failure

  1. Life-Threatening Complications

    • Liver failure often leads to severe complications such as jaundice, coagulopathy (blood clotting disorders), and hepatic encephalopathy (brain dysfunction due to toxin buildup). These can progress rapidly, particularly in acute liver failure.

    • In severe cases, multi-organ failure may occur, including kidney failure, which significantly worsens the prognosis.

  2. Increased Risk of Infections

    • The immune system becomes compromised in liver failure, making the body more susceptible to infections. This can lead to sepsis, a potentially fatal condition.

  3. Metabolic Abnormalities

    • Liver failure disrupts the balance of electrolytes and blood sugar levels, leading to conditions such as hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and hypokalemia (low potassium levels).

  4. Progression from Liver Cirrhosis

    • Chronic liver diseases like cirrhosis can eventually progress to liver failure. In cirrhosis, functioning liver cells are replaced by scar tissue, reducing the organ's ability to perform its tasks.

  5. Causes of Acute Liver Failure

    • Acute liver failure can occur suddenly due to causes like viral hepatitis (e.g., hepatitis A, B, or E), drug overdose (e.g., acetaminophen), alcohol poisoning, or exposure to toxic substances. For example:

      • Acetaminophen overdose exceeding 10g within 24 hours can cause severe liver damage.

      • Alcohol poisoning occurs when blood alcohol concentration exceeds 400mg/dL.

  6. Dependency on Advanced Medical Interventions

    • Treatment often involves intensive care measures such as plasma exchange or artificial liver support systems. In some cases, liver transplantation is the only option for survival.

Symptoms of Liver Failure

  • General fatigue and loss of appetite

  • Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)

  • Swelling in the abdomen due to fluid accumulation (ascites)

  • Confusion or altered mental states due to hepatic encephalopathy

  • Easy bruising and prolonged bleeding due to clotting disorders

Prevention and Management

  • Prevention: Avoid excessive alcohol consumption, maintain a healthy weight to prevent fatty liver disease, get vaccinated against hepatitis viruses, and avoid unnecessary use of medications or supplements that may harm the liver.

  • Management: Early detection is critical. For acute cases, immediate medical intervention is required. Chronic cases require lifestyle modifications and regular monitoring by healthcare professionals.

Liver failure is a critical condition that requires prompt diagnosis and treatment. Preventive measures and regular health checkups are essential to reduce the risk of developing this life-threatening disease.
