
トップ営業は時間をマネジメントする-Top salespeople manage their time-


Good evening everyone. In the last article, I introduced the seven important things to keep in mind when doing sales - No. 7: "Work together with your colleagues." Even if you can't achieve great results on your own, getting help from those around you can achieve results many times greater than your ability. If you're interested, please check out that article. And this time, I'd like to introduce the contents of the title with an excerpt from "The Complete Guide to Working in Sales."


"Time is the scarcest resource. If you cannot manage your time, you cannot manage anything." This is a quote from management scholar Peter Drucker. Time management is a prerequisite for being able to do your job well. People who have good sales results and leave work early are people who manage their time.”


”Do you think that people who can control their time and manage their work well are special people? I don't think so. The difference is not in ability, but in whether or not you make good use of the body's cycle that humans have. As I will explain in detail in the next section, humans can concentrate best in the morning.


What did you all think? Time management is very important. I'm not good at it either, and it was when I read this book that I realized how important it is. If you immerse yourself in one thing, you can't do anything else lol. Also, time doesn't stop unless you manage it yourself. I want to be conscious of what I do and when I do it. I hope this article was helpful in some way. Until next time. Thank you.


