
確実に痩せられる簡単な方法-Easy way to lose weight-


"Good news for those who want to get a slender figure." I think there will be a lot of light clothes and exposure. In such a way, there are some people who are worried about their body shape. This time, I would like to introduce some excerpts from "Amazing Psychology Taught by the World's Most Advanced Research" and "Reliable Ways to Lose Weight”.


”The method is to change to smaller bowls, smaller spoons, and smaller cups. Andrew Geier of the University of Pennsylvania in the United States put a plate of chocolate in front of the subjects and asked them to "take as much as they want." This time he changed the size of the spoon that he keeps next to his plate.”


”One group had a soup spoon and another group had four times the size of the spoon. The instructions were the same, "eat as much as you want," but the amount of chocolate grains eaten doubled when the large spoon was used. This data tells us that if you want to lose weight, you should use as little utensils and spoons as possible.”


There are so many delicious things in front of you, but it's very hard to put up with them. It seems that humans are incapable of exercising so much self-control. If you get into the habit of eating small things, you won't have to hold back, so you won't overeat. It may be hard at first, but let's build up little by little every day. You may have the ideal body shape. Please refer to it if you like.
See you soon. thank you very much.

