
パフォーマンスを最大化する食事術〜その5〜Dietary Techniques to Maximize Performance ~Part5~



In the previous article, I introduced part 4 of dietary techniques to maximize performance. The World Health Organization (WHO) has acknowledged that processed meat is carcinogenic. If you are interested, please check out these articles as well. And this time, I would like to introduce Part 5, an excerpt from ``Eating Techniques Taught by Doctors''.


``Fructose in fruits is more easily stored in the body than glucose, and is a major cause of obesity. The human body first uses glucose as an energy source. However, when there is sufficient glucose, fructose can be quickly converted to triglycerides for stock. In other words, you will gain weight. However, it does contain minerals and vitamins, so it's good to enjoy in small amounts. ”


``In that case, by eating breakfast, which is the start of the day, minerals and vitamins are effectively utilized, and sugar is also consumed more easily.When eating fruit, try to consume as much of the dietary fiber contained in it as possible. Ideally, you should eat oranges by the bag, and apples without peeling them.The higher the fiber content, the longer it will take to digest, which will prevent blood sugar levels from rising.


Do you like fruits? I love them and would eat them endlessly, including mandarin oranges, when I was little. It's easy to end up eating too much food because it's so delicious, but by being mindful of when you eat in moderation, you can consume more effectively. Please use it as a reference if you like. Thank you for reading for me until the end. See you next time.


参考文献 医者が教える食事術 最強の教科書
著者 牧田善二 
出版 ダイヤモンド社
