
現在、科学小説,経済小説,政治小説,文学小説,犯罪小説の5つを同時執筆中です。I am currently writing five novels simultaneously: a science fiction novel, an economics novel, a political novel, a literary novel, and a crime novel.

"Car Registration Explained" - Fraudulent Theft of Your Private Property

Sending the First Fine to Shane Patton ~ More and more are fighting back & 200 Bad Cops in Jail!!

Terminating the Fraudulent Contract with VicRoads/R&L Services

"Proof of Life"

Traitors are getting more and more blatant, arrogant and greedy!!

有権者は2024年の大統領選を前に、AIのディープフェイクを見分けられるのか?(Can voters spot AI deepfakes ahead of the 2024 presidential elections?)


使える不動産英単語 #6 ー「F」は「詐欺行為」  F for “Fraud”




Saga of utility bills - Everything is already Paid!!


Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 and Selling and Buying our Birth Certificates

”We have to FIGHT!!" ~ Morwell, Vic now ATM-less & Cash out costs you $3.50

LED / TOXIC Blue Light


Mystery of utility bills - No answer to plain, simple questions

What we need is MASS REFUSAL!!

[Pandemic LIE] Sing Along & Wake Up More!! Heaven and Hell - Corona Version

Watch this NOW!!

Same with JFK assassination, the Real Shooter was Right in Front of Shinzo Abe!!

Brain Death is a Hoax. Don’t Donate Your Organs!!

[Pandemic LIE] Compare the list from OCT20 and Report through to 28FEB21, "CONFIDENTIAL" document




【米DOGEのX新アカ】 続々登場


More messages from FAKE police

#WashingtonFarm #WenguiGuo #WashingtonFarm #Farm #Washington #fraud #scam Guo Wengui sucked up the people's wealth like a vampire.

#WashingtonFarm #WenguiGuo #WashingtonFarm #Farm #Washington #fraud #scam Guo Wengui was arrested in the United States and used various methods to defraud and launder money.

"#WashingtonFarm #WenguiGuo #WashingtonFarm #Farm #Washington #fraud #scam Fraud Fraud"New China Federation is Guo Wengui for his implementation of fraud illegal organization!


Heads-Up from a Japanese Lawyer: Regarding Fraudulent Scam Using WhatsApp etc.【副業詐欺について】

💥FOXニュースがついに暴露!!💥-バイデン犯罪一家が逮捕・拘束されることになる-💥FOX News Finally Exposed! 💥-Biden Crime Family to be Arrested and Detained-


