Heads-Up from a Japanese Lawyer: Regarding Fraudulent Scam Using WhatsApp etc.【副業詐欺について】

I am writing this note since the information about this kind of fraud/scam for the people living in Japan who do not speak Japanese seems to be very limited. This note is about the side job fraud. Please be advised of my previous note regarding the so-called "Romance Fraud," which is only available in Japanese now.

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During the winter break, I received texts on my WhatsApp like this:

(Screenshot of WhatsApp chat that I received on Dec. 30th, 2023)

You have to ignore these kinds of messages. These are highly likely to be fraudulent. If you believe this message and start chatting, you are at high risk of becoming a fraud victim.

Many people believe that it is very safe in Japan.
It is, actually. Most streets are safe and clean when you walk to your home, even at midnight. Even when you drop your wallet, someone will likely pick it up and deliver it to the police.

However, you must be very cautious regarding scams/fraudulent messages. Even people who have lived in Japan for a long time have been deceived by these, and the number of victims is increasing. 

It is called "劇場型詐欺, Theatrical Fraud." It is a common fraud in recent Japan. As to theatrical fraud, it is NOT safe in Japan.

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I know what "Ms. Jenny" will say next.

"Our client in Japan is currently hiring remote workers."
"I have some posts for you."

Then, she will offer you a very time-efficient side job or part-time job.
Sometimes, at this point, she introduces you to another person who can teach you the details.

Let's call this another person, Ms. P.

Ms.P will show you how the side job works. She is very kind and answers every question you have. She even tells you her personal information, like where she lives, her main occupation, or even what she ate for lunch today. Usually, the ”side job” is very easy-peasy compared to your regular job. It even looks like a social network game or mobile game on an app.

First, you are told that you must make an account to log in to the app. Ms. P will kindly guide you on how to proceed. Then, you will have training under the supervision of Ms. P. Your first work is supposed to be successful. Ms. P cheers you up that you are very talented. Usually, you have an advance bonus that you can use in the app, so no money is necessary in this phase.

Sometimes, you even can withdraw your bonus and receive tens of thousands of yen in your bank account. (Then you are completely deceived that this is not a scam at this point.)

Then it begins. Ms. P tells you that you must make some deposits to continue the job. She says that you have to pay up the money, which will be refunded to you later. You then are told by Ms. P that you should contact a contact person in customer service (CS) on WhatsApp. The CS tells you a bank account that you are supposed to wire transfer for a deposit. You are generally told to report Ms. P or CS immediately after the transfer. Sometimes, you might be invited to a WhatsApp group chat, which of the members are your cheerful colleagues. You see the chats between your colleagues, and what they say completely makes sense what Ms. P told you. It makes you more convinced.

The amount of advance money will gradually increase. CS tells you different bank accounts every time.

After you earn some sum of money and want to withdraw it, you might be told that you have to pay tax beforehand. And each time you try to withdraw, you might be told a different reason why it does not work.

(…Now, you realize that you might have been scammed.)

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There is a special procedure law called the Criminal Accounts Damage Recovery Act, which might work as a recovery of damages.
As to the details regarding your recovery, ask lawyers nearby, the banks you transferred, or the police.

Text by: Junko Asai
Attorney at Law in Japan, Aoi Law Office

See also: Giving/selling your bank account(s) - often used for fraud
National Police Agency(警察庁)
