Sending the First Fine to Shane Patton ~ More and more are fighting back & 200 Bad Cops in Jail!!
So, as I showed you I have terminated the fraudulent contract with Traitors,
Terminating the Fraudulent Contract with VicRoads/R&L Services
9/11 Truth Australia
2024年10月12日 20:26 = October 12, 2024 8:26pm
And though VicRoads/R&L Services sent me a letter to notify that they suspended my 'Driver Licence' and the 'Registraion', therefore I didn't even mention that word, "refund" when I returned the plates, they sent me some.
Anyway, I've been travelling in my car with my new signs, and I'm loving it!
And on 25th of October, when I was out and about, this FAKE police car stopped me,
He had a sign "Want Fair Pay" so as he was passing me, I pointed that and laughed. It was obious that he didn't like it. When he came out and said to me, "Where are the plates!??" I was going to show what I have to show,
Left of "Notice to Agent" sign is the form for them, the FAKE police to fill out that I made. Yet even before I was to pull it out, he went back to his van, and probably contacted with his Branch Manager, and most likely was told to "Leave her alone!" 🤣🤣🤣
So without coming back to me, he just went off!!
Even so, he stopped me and questioned me i.e. committed 2 crimes, and I charged his top boss for those as well.
I am fully aware that Shane Patton would absolutely ignore this and never pays. But when they burgled my house many a time, stole more than $2,000.00 cash, my late granny's genuine crystal praying beads for Buddhists and tons more, we never know. When we turn this whole world around, I might get some retrieved.
After above 'encounter', it seems their Branch Manager made sure that everyone there knows that they should never disturb me. So when another FAKE police van was coming up the street towards me, though the woman FAKE officer was staring at me with anger in her eyes, she didn't do anything but just passed me by!!😂
One thing I realized recently is that disgusting corona SCAMdemic taught many that we should and we can ignore their FAKE fines.
Remember, they issued so many of them for participants of protests, or those for 'breaking' their lockdown FAKE order/s and did whatever they needed to do. I myself got a few but as usual, I never paid any of them.
Also the criminals charged tremendous amount for each then, and people didn't take it seriously anymore, and ended up totally refusing to pay.
So that was a very good PRACTICE to ignore = DISOBEY their FAKE order. ;o)
BTW, one of my mates told me that there are 200 Bad (FAKE) Cops serving in MRC, a high security prison near Deerpark!! So I made a sign,
According to evil Israelis' Wikipedia,
the capacity is 954, but it said that MRC has 3 sections of A, B and C. So I assume one of them has the capacity of 350 as he told me.
When I personally know a handful who got severely assaulted by FAKE police while doing nothing wrong at all, it tells that more people are fighting back and putting those in jail, which is definitely a good sign of things changing for the better.
And another sign I saw several days ago on FAKE police car said,
Compared with the one I took mid October,
So within a month, 200 more quit!!
In the meantime, over there
the result of the election for FAKE president making a fuss as expected. And unfortunately, there are still many stupid Sheople expecting those criminals to do any good for the world.
How can you trust a Jesuit, and the guy who's been launching tens of thousands of satellites to zap us from up above with 5G? who's saluting to a flag with eleven lines instead of thirteen here with PINK chem-sky in the background,
Plus, this man below who's been demanding "SAFE" vaccine while all vaccines are poison,
I really wish everyone to stop expecting others to do the job they have to do themselves. That's exactly the base of this fraudulent system called 'government' as I've been saying for years.
Oh, someone who loved my signs gave me this cup,
Not really for the level of my class, but … suited for that DDD.
He had a lot more with similar satiric images especially of DDD that you can buy. *DDD = Disgusting Dictator Dan, but seeing his face or hearing his voice makes me sick!! Therefore I chose this design, above.
If I were him, I'd make one with this image I created, though it could ruin the taste of my coffee...
Remember what Masaru Emoto allegedly found with water?
If that was true, imagine what you'd put into your system when you drink any of those with Satanic symbols on the package.
About DDD, he might look very different, a lot uglier from above as I showed you in
04MAY24 BOYCOTT ~ Emotion blocks your eyes and ears - FAKE GOV's/Illuminati's agents who tell us Truth
So as usual, keep drinking tonic for your health,
Lemon juice or equivalent amount of Citric Acid...
plus Bi-carb Soda and good water
[Pandemic Lie] DETOX, DETOX, DETOX!!
2023年2月10日 19:06
and keep doing your bits everyday!
As usual, check out below if you haven't:
Traitorous Fraud: Governments are COMPANIES!!
Not just lines: Chemtrails / ChemSky, you are inhaling poison everyday.
And I repeat, NEVER forget, even if they were not companies but legit Governments, that system is simply giving you an illusion that you are participating in politics by voting, while voting means you're giving your political power and responsibility to a total stranger!!
That’s why they become SO POWERFUL and commit unforgivable crimes one after another upon us!! So we've got to be very careful with gate-keepers of this system, and end to have this fraudulent system called 'government' altogether. It's a fraud in order to control us, rob us and poison us. I repeat, beware!! There are tons of FAKE GOV's agents/spies, seeming our heroes and heroines everywhere.
Also have some sign on your car, your bag or whatever you carry with you, like I do. As long as it's on the body, they won't disturb you at all.
BTW, I told you that above right sign of "bushfire burning silvery pink" got stolen (funny thing was that the thief didn't take the magnets), and when I found that, it looked like this (after I took the magnets).
Black, sandy dirt is OF COURSE the residue/toxic NANO whatever from Chemtrails.
Our car gets so dirty in recent years when it rains, and even without any rain.
You should point that out to those who still believe their Global Warming LIE along with PINK sunset.
Anyhow, because SNS cannot spread the word (those whom we want to wake up won't come to see our posts), make sure to wake up others in real life.
Last but not least, do not forget to say the Secret everyday, with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing itʼs already happened.
And keep using cash!!