More messages from FAKE police
Some weeks ago, early last month to be more precise, I went over to Traralgon to hand out fliers, in order to wake up more about opposition's crazy idea of making Nuclear Power Plant in Morwell, along with others - total 7 reactors in Australia and the fraudulent useless wind turbines. You can read my previous article on the latter.
Anyway, as I started noticing this some years ago, there aren't many walking around in any town compared with the past. They tend to drive to their destination, park their car very close to it, do whatever they need to do and go home. So not many people walking around. That's also all designed I'd say.
Anyhow, on the way out I was passing the FAKE police station in Moe, and there again I saw these,
#900 SICK! - must be due to that compulsory COVID POISONOUS shots.
Above, hard to read but the same with the one third above "Thank you for calling triple zero…"
Then I saw more when I went to the city to hand out fliers last night,
These were written on "NON-URGENT" vans and higher rank FAKE officers were busy erasing them. One of them actually came out of the FAKE Police station to talk to me cause I was taking these photos, and he was trying to hide that "900 SICK", saying absolute non-sense like, "Oh that's you know, people take sick leave…"
As I've been aiming, they are definitely collapsing from within!!
"END THE PATTON WAGE THEFT" is all what I can see there.
I saw this (above) before, during the SCAMdemic.
Some one I know locally who got a relative ex-police told me that many mid-ranked ones resigned to avoid the shots. On top I bet there are more who found out what they're actually doing, so resigned in disgust.
Lower rank guys are trying to let the public know those figures but the other guys are busy erasing them.
For a few seconds, I wondered about that "LICE" and then realized "PO" is missing at the top. Yet it's kinda suitable for these ROBBERS, to call their station / Company Branch, "LICE" stations.
"CRIMES UP"? But they never arrest the real criminals, cause they're working for them.
When I told one of my mates about above, she was furious with that "underpaid" when they are actually thieves.
Anyway, their days are over!!
Even when you don't fight back like I do, say the Secret everyday!!
with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude.
I'm not going to write what I always do here, but you can check that by reading my previous post. Keep doing your bits!!