Saga of utility bills - Everything is already Paid!!
OK now, I’ll write more about that utility bill.
Please read
Mystery of utility bills - No answer to plain, simple questions
2022年11月14日 17:06
Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 and Selling and Buying our Birth Certificates
2023年7月23日 16:16
before you go on to read below if you haven’t.
To make it easy for me to write this, I copy and paste what I sent them so far for you to read:
August 31, 2022
TO: Jonathan Briskin
General Manager, Retail
Origin Energy
100 Weymouth Street
Adelaide, SA 5000
RE: Account number XXXXXXXXX
Billing reference XXXXXXX
Dear Jonathan,
I have sent you/your company the letter with questions about the charge you’ve been making.
However, your colleague/s totally ignored it and sent me a dunning letter.
While you are demanding us to pay as you say, you must be able to provide us the reasons, some verifiable and sufficient evidence to prove and justify your action of charging us and others.
Here I am sending you the questions for you to answer all swiftly.
Will wait for your early reply.
Thank you.
encl.: Copy of the Letter sent to Origin Energy with questions for Origin Energy to answer.
October 31, 2022
TO: The Origin Team
Origin Energy
100 Weymouth Street
Adelaide, SA 5000
RE: Account number XXXXXXXXX
Billing reference XXXXXXX and
Account number XXXXXXXXX
Billing reference XXXXXXX
Dear The Origin Team,
Your letter dated 13 October 2022 doesn’t answer my questions.
Now I’ve got your “gas bill” and I have same question on that.
So here you go:
For both:
You do not produce electricity or gas yourself, and then how come you are allowed to charge people? What sort of law is your action based upon?
For electricity:
Your letter explained what your ‘Daily Supply Charge’ is for.
However, it must have been all covered by the basic charge in the past.
As I wrote, our actual use showed only $10.84 (though you wrote $14.57) but you charge $108.31 for having your service (though you wrote $104.58).
When did you start having this ridiculously unreasonable and exorbitant ‘supply charge’? Was that when Julia Gillard the Traitor DEPLOYED the Microwave Weapon called ‘Smart Meter’ in people’s homes in order to damage our health?
Please provide any law that allows you to charge users such horrific fee on top of each usage.
i.e. Answer to all the questions properly if you wish us to pay what you tell us to pay.
Will wait for your decent and honest reply.
Thank you.
December 27, 2022
TO: The Origin Team
Origin Energy
100 Weymouth Street
Adelaide, SA 5000
RE: Account number XXXXXXXXX
Billing reference XXXXXXX and
Account number XXXXXXXXX
Billing reference XXXXXXX
Dear The Origin Team,
Again, your letter dated 29 November 2022 doesn’t answer my questions, and it doesn’t contain WHO wrote it when it started to say “I have been asked to respond”. It indicates NOBODY wants to take the responsibility of what is written there.
Also, when someone ignores a question or never answer properly, it means there is some LIE and/or FRAUDULENT PRACTICE/S involved.
Now, you say that you purchase electricity (and/or gas) from the producers.
Therefore, I demand you to show me their invoice and receipt to prove that said purchase.
Another interesting thing is that while you say you charge us that ridiculously unreasonable and exorbitant ‘supply charge’ for infrastructure, maintenance etc., and yet, when there’s some work related to such, I get a notice from SP AusNet but NEVER from you or any other so-called retailers that I used in the past.
Why is that!?
Another interesting thing is that you wrote:
“I have applied a one time only good will credit of $263.12 to your electricity account to cover the most recent bills.”
Do you think such action will shut my mouth?
You are way to optimistic then.
So, above two - demand and question are now added to my questions that I sent you but you have never answered as shown below:
For both:
You do not produce electricity or gas yourself, and then how come you are allowed to charge people? What sort of law is your action based upon?
For electricity:
Your letter explained what your ‘Daily Supply Charge’ is for.
However, it must have been all covered by the basic charge in the past.
As I wrote, our actual use showed only $10.84 (though you wrote $14.57) but you charge $108.31 for having your service (though you wrote $104.58).
When did you start having this ridiculously unreasonable and exorbitant ‘supply charge’? Was that when Julia Gillard the Traitor DEPLOYED the Microwave Weapon called ‘Smart Meter’ in people’s homes in order to damage our health?
Please provide any law that allows you to charge users such horrific fee on top of each usage. i.e. Answer to all the questions properly if you wish us to pay what you tell us to pay.
Will wait for your decent and honest reply.
Thank you.
March 21, 2023
TO: The Origin Team
Origin Energy
100 Weymouth Street
Adelaide, SA 5000
RE: Account number XXXXXXXXX
Billing reference XXXXXXX and
Account number XXXXXXXXX
Billing reference XXXXXXX
Dear The Origin Team,
I have received your letters dated 14th February and 9 March, 2023.
The latter says that you are closing my complaint off because you didn’t receive any reply from me “over three weeks” while you took OVER FIVE WEEKS to reply to my letter that I sent to you last December, without telling me about such ‘deadline’ beforehand.
It shows HOW FAIR you are.
Also, you wrote in the former,
“I have been asked to respond …” but it doesn’t say WHO WROTE IT.
No name of the author. The same goes with the other one. No name.
Q6: Why is that??
And then this person goes on to say,
“I am sorry that you feel that your last questions were not answered”
However, it’s not that I FEEL, but it IS a FACT that you didn’t answer my questions.
Instead of answering my questions, you enclosed a copy or reprint of two sheets, dated “21 July 2015”, with a name that reads “Rebekah O’Flaherty” as “General Manager, Retail” with her seeming signature which is actually just a PRINTED OUT version and not of wet-ink.
Q7: How come you get away with such inappropriate action?
The second page seems to be a sort of contract but DOES NOT SAY “Contract” anywhere. Instead it says “agreement” and at the top, it says, “You have the right to cancel this agreement within 10 business days…” and it indicates that you recognize our INACTION as our agreeing your conditions.
Any contract should be signed by the both parties with wet ink. And just assuming one of them agreeing by their INACTION shouldn’t be enough to say that the contract has been executed. Same goes with such agreement, I’d say.
In other words, many things are based on sheer assumption.
The majority of consumers have no knowledge about these, and I didn’t know either back then. However I acquire some after all these years, therefore I’ve been asking questions that you never answer.
In fact, the Bills of Exchange Act 1909 - Section 8 as I enclosed a copy here, says that the person who is giving the bill must be signed.
Yet, any of your bill, the paper demanding us/any of your customer has never contain anybody’s signature on your side.
As indicated, above three are my new questions, along with my previous listed below,
A proof of what you claim -
Now, you say that you purchase electricity (and/or gas) from the producers.
Therefore, I demand you to show me their invoice and receipt to prove that said purchase.
Another interesting thing is that while you say you charge us that ridiculously unreasonable and exorbitant ‘supply charge’ for infrastructure, maintenance etc., and yet, when there’s some work related to such, I get a notice from AusNet but NEVER from you or any other so-called retailers that I used in the past.
Why is that!?
You do not produce electricity or gas yourself, and then how come you are allowed to charge people?
What sort of law is your action based upon?
Your letter explained what your ‘Daily Supply Charge’ is for.
However, it must have been all covered by the basic charge in the past.
As I wrote, our actual use showed only $10.84 (though you wrote $14.57) but you charge $108.31 for having your service (though you wrote $104.58).
When did you start having this ridiculously unreasonable and exorbitant ‘supply charge’? Was that when Julia Gillard the Traitor DEPLOYED the Microwave Weapon called ‘Smart Meter’ in people’s homes in order to damage our health?
Please provide any law that allows you to charge users such horrific fee on top of each usage. i.e. Please answer to all the questions properly if you wish us to pay what you tell us to pay.
Looking forward to your answers to our all questions.
Thank you.
And the most recent letter that I showed a bit last time,
October 28, 2023
TO: The Origin Team
Origin Energy
100 Weymouth Street
Adelaide, SA 5000
RE: Account number XXXXXXXXX
Account number XXXXXXXXX
Dear The Origin Team,
You keep sending me notices telling me that I owe you money.
However you haven’t answered to my questions at all.
Just to remind you, I will send them to you again.
I fixed a bit.
You do not produce electricity or gas yourself, and then how come you are allowed to charge people?
What sort of law is your action based upon?
A proof of what you claim -
You say that you purchase electricity and/or gas from the producers.
Therefore, I demand you to show me their invoice and receipt to prove that said purchase.
Another interesting thing is that while you say you charge us that ridiculously unreasonable and exorbitant ‘supply charge’ for infrastructure, maintenance etc., and yet, when there’s some work related to such, I get a notice from AusNet but NEVER from you or any other so-called retailers that I used in the past.
Why is that!?
Your letter explained what your ‘Daily Supply Charge’ is for.
However, it must have been all covered by the basic charge in the past.
What happened??
As I wrote before, our actual use in one notice showed only $10.84 (though you wrote $14.57) but you charge $108.31 for having your service (though you wrote $104.58).
When did you start having this ridiculously unreasonable and exorbitant ‘supply charge’?
Was that when Julia Gillard the Traitor DEPLOYED the Microwave Weapon called ‘Smart Meter’ in people’s homes in order to damage our health?
Please provide any law that allows you to charge users such horrific fee on top of each usage.
In your letter you sent me before, you wrote “I have been asked to respond …” but it doesn’t say WHO WROTE IT. No name of the author and his/her signature.
Why is that??
And then this person goes on to say,
“I am sorry that you feel that your last questions were not answered”
However, it’s not that I FEEL, but it IS a FACT that you didn’t answer my questions.
Instead of answering my questions, you enclosed a copy or reprint of two sheets, dated “21 July 2015”, with a name that reads “Rebekah O’Flaherty” as “General Manager, Retail” with her seeming signature which is actually just a PRINTED OUT version and not of wet-ink.
How can you say that this is valid?
i.e. How come you get away with such inappropriate action?
The second page of that letter you sent seems to be a sort of contract but DOES NOT SAY “Contract” anywhere. Instead it says “agreement” and at the top, it says, “You have the right to cancel this agreement within 10 business days…” and it indicates that you recognize our INACTION as our agreeing your conditions.
Any contract should be signed by the both parties with wet ink. And just assuming one of them agreeing by their INACTION shouldn’t be enough to say that the contract has been executed. Same goes with such agreement, I’d say.
In other words, many things are based on sheer assumption.
The majority of consumers have no knowledge about these, and I didn’t know either back then. However I acquire some after all these years, therefore I’ve been asking questions that you never answer.
In fact, the Bills of Exchange Act 1909 - Section 8 as I sent you a copy before in March, says that the person who is giving the bill must sign it.
Yet, any of your bill, the paper demanding us/any of your customer has never contain anybody’s signature on your side.
Please answer to all the questions properly if you wish us to pay what you tell us to pay. We’ve got to examine so many facts before determining that we actually owe you anything.
Looking forward to your answers to all our questions.
Thank you.
And I haven’t heard from them to answer my questions at all yet.
Therefore, I’m sending back their bill as “Pending”.
So it seems what that guy, Alan of Salisbury was telling us is true.
i.e. all our bills are already paid out of the profit that criminals are making from selling and buying our Birth Certificate (is what someone told me) or whatever. He was saying everything was paid within 90 days and yet, we get charged when it was already paid.
But this guy doesn’t really tell you that you can fight back like I’m doing, shown above. He’s rather taking you to spirituality, ‘follow your heart’ i.e. emotion?? etc.
No, you’ve got to use LOGIC. That’s another reason why I’d say this guy could well be one of those FAKE Government’s agents who tell us truth, what kind of crimes are being and will be committed upon us, like the ones I talked about in my previous post.
Anyway, I’d say everyone should do this though I cannot guarantee anything. Even so, ask questions to your utility retailers like I do. I bet they cannot answer any of them.
It’s actually been over a year as you can see above, but very interestingly, they haven’t stopped electricity or gas.
And I’d say the most important thing is that you are to get rid of FEAR that they use all the time to manipulate/control us. Once you overcome that, you can face them straight like I've been doing, and they cannot show anything to legitimize their claim.
So as usual, make sure to spread the word.
Read below if you haven’t,
Traitorous Fraud: Governments are COMPANIES!!
Even if they are not companies but legit Governments, it’s simply giving you an illusion that you are participating politics by voting, while voting means you giving your political power and responsibility to a total stranger!! That’s why they become SO POWERFUL and commit unforgivable crimes one after another upon us!!
That's why we've got to get rid of this system itself and replace it with something else, where NOBODY abuses their power.
Seriously, time to wake up!!
Share this with everyone you know, and tell them to QUESTION EVERYTHING these traitors do and say.
Have some sign on your car, your bag or whatever you carry with you, like I do!! which you can be comfortable. ;o)
Because SNS cannot spread the word, really. It’s actually designed to divide us - those who are awake and those left in the dark. The latter never comes to see your post, so we’ve got to show them something in real life.
On top, do not forget to say the Secret everyday, with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing itʼs already happened.
And keep using cash!! while theyʼre getting rid of ATMs in order to spy on our every move, before introducing Digital ID to control all.