”We have to FIGHT!!" ~ Morwell, Vic now ATM-less & Cash out costs you $3.50
About a week ago when I was out and about, a man sitting in the car parked next to mine was smiling, looking at the signs on my car so I talked to him and he told me that the criminals got rid of all the ATMs in Morwell. Anyone wants cash, has to cash out from shops but they charge you $3.50!!
In our area, NAB has already started a renovation, and the wall hiding the branch has some description like “More than money”. I bet they’re getting rid of their ATM.
100% Cashless means the criminals who pretend to be our authorities can spy on our every move. They will keep track of WHO bought WHAT, WHERE and WHEN.
Then they will move onto Digital ID, CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) that the criminals determine what we are ALLOWED to buy, as well as freezing anybody’s account whenever they wish, and that 20 Minutes Neighborhood I already wrote about.
Are they ‘generous’ to give us FIVE MINUTES MORE?? ’20-minute Neighborhood’ coming full swing.
9/11 Truth Australia
2023年3月9日 20:05 / March 9, 2023 20:05
We’ve got to stop all of these evil plans.
Quickly I made a few signs/fliers on this ATM-less, and doing my bits to notify others.
The day before yesterday, when I came back to my car at a parking lot, another man was looking at the signs. So we talked and he told me many of his customers, especially old people died because of the vaccines, and quite a few had some huge properties, and when they didn’t have any relatives I believe, he said the FAKE authorities stole them.
After that, when I was driving some back street and stopped for something, this car, I think it was BMW stopped right beside me, and the driver, a lady showed me a thumb up! So I gave her two fliers of mine (GOVisCO and Morwell cashless) and started to tell her about ATM-less, and she said, “WE HAVE TO FIGHT” with firm tone of voice. I agreed, and we shook hands.
We didn’t have much time to talk further, but we knew enough even in this encounter for a few seconds that we are allies in this war. I just wanted to let her know that I’ve been fighting against the traitors over 10 years by refusing to pay what they demand. But actually started my various activities after 9/11, therefore over 20 years. Hope she checks this blog. ;o)
On the way back home, I stopped at a shopping center having my dinner bento. Then two young men were reading my signs, so we started to talk. They knew basically everything - indicating more and more are waking up! And one of them gave me the address of that sickening traitor, Dictator Dan!! It’s
16 Glencairn Street
Mulgrave, Vic 3170

He said that there is one FAKE police officer standing there but he cannot leave his post so won’t be able to do much to you, so to speak. If you have time, do whatever you can to harass, intimidate, and/or scare the traitor!!
While we were talking, another one came along and told us that her child had to sit in class while they were promoting LGBTQ agenda at school!! Many more are pulling their children out of school and that’s probably the way to go in order to avoid your children getting damaged.

She also told us what she heard on radio, a mother was complaining about cashless, telling about her child went on outing to Melbourne Aquarium from school, and the child could NOT buy anything though he/she had some allowance cause they didn’t take cash for payment!!
It’s coming, everyone.
ATM-less / Cashless, and then they’ll ban taking cash for payment in shops though there is a law they should. So we’ve got to wake up more!!
And talking about my battle - one of them with the FAKE local government…
As I wrote (must have) before, I have been refusing to pay rates and water bills over 10 years. Both unconstitutional, unlawful, and on top they are COMPANIES.
Traitorous Fraud: Governments are COMPANIES!!
Anyway, recently a law firm sent me some papers with $10 cash stapled on the top page, saying they “summon” me to court. I say, NEVER go to their FAKE Court!!

Remember what the guy in the video said,
Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 and Selling and Buying our Birth Certificates
They reckon we are all DEAD, therefore they need to “summon” us.
Anyway, I wrote back to them as below:
28 June, 2023
Julie Ruzeu, Traitors’ assistant
Senior Paralegal
CLH Lawyers
Level 2
577 Little Burke Street
Melbourne, Vic 3000
RE: Your Ref:
Ben Shepherd - Registrar and
Anthony Gwynne - Judicial Registrar
Traitors at
Latrobe Valley Court
134 Commercial Road
Morwell, Vic 3840
Baw Baw Shire the Traitors
Civic Place
Warragul, Vic 3820
Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal,
Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent
Dear Julie,
I have received an envelope from you, dated “8 June 2023”.
The envelope showed the return address as:
PO Box 359
Albury, NSW 2640
However the top page said, “REPLY TO Melbourne” therefore I am kindly sending this to your office there. From the next time, if there’s going to be any, why don’t you fix the address on your envelope?
First of all, it seems you never checked your file, to see the letter I sent to your colleague Tammy Cox dated 17 July, 2019 which must be sitting in your office. (attachment #1) I’ll enclose a copy to Latrobe Valley Court the COMPANY in Morwell to refresh their memory, cause it was addressed to them as well. A copy was sent to Baw Baw Shire then, which is another traitorous, fraudulent, criminal COMPANY therefore they should look for that in their file. Also I believe you will photocopy all attachment enclosed here for your client.
Anyway, as you can see clearly there, it’s ALL FRAUD.
And NONE OF YOU could provide any COUNTER EVIDENCE then, either.
Yet now you say, “A WARRANT MAY BE ISSUED FOR YOUR ARREST” if I don’t attend this Kangaroo Court. Who issues it when all so-called ‘courts’ in this country are all traitorous, fraudulent, criminal COMPANIES and they have NO AUTHORITY WHATSOEVER over anybody, let alone the authority to issue any ‘warrant’.

*Notice there are 13 leaves on the branch the woman on the left is holding.
And IF you can ever prove that your ‘court’ has that authority to issue a warrant, WHO will you send to ‘arrest’ me?? Seeming ‘police officer/s’ from Victoria Police the COMPANY!?? (#2)

Well, there again, I confronted those traitors many a time in the past, and they are unfortunately incapable to provide any COUNTER EVIDENCE at all.
*So many people told me they LOVED this sign in orange.

*At one point, they stole it so I wrote it on my car!!

As proven during the case of VICTORIA POLICE (Inc.) v Mr. S. MAROTTA Case No. J11067481, ‘Victoria Police’ is NOT a Department of the State of Victoria.
The Death of Andrews Government and Governor Dessau - Indexed.pdf -- 3.3 meg
Therefore, they have to make $$$$$ to pay themselves, thus they are SO enthusiastic to create more and more FAKE fines to STEAL from innocent citizens. The most recent I saw was $555.00 for anyone using text while driving. They are incredibly greedy, aren’t they. And that is actually helping many more people to wake up to our super ugly reality.
NO WONDER when they are just a bunch of EVIL Freemasons, thugs, bandits of yet another CRIMINAL COMPANY themselves. They burgled my house many a time, STOLE A LOT with NO SHAME. Must be the same pair who terribly harassed and physically assaulted a local woman who complained about her horrible neighbor who happened to be their mate. They must be the ones who spread ICE (drug) problem in our area as well. SERIOUSLY ROTTEN. I’ll show you what I wrote to them most recently. (#3)

*Yesterday, my car’s right rear window was open a little. The thugs might have come back to harass me again, since I showed above to their accomplices.
As for your FAKE court, to refresh your memory, I’m enclosing a COMPANY SEARCH Result page of their headquarter in Victoria, “Court Services Victoria” on Williams Street in Melbourne (#4), along with their COMPANY LOGO of ‘Magistrates Court of Victoria’, clearly showing that they are just a KANGAROO COURT (#5) i.e. FAKE!!

If you ever wish me to attend such fraudulent farce, you must provide some verifiable and sufficient COUNTER EVIDENCE to say that I owe Baw Baw Shire the Traitor some money as you state, your so-called ‘Court’ is seriously a constitutional, lawful court that practices the Common Law instead of the Admiralty Law, or Maritime Law, the law of commerce they use to find innocent people guilty and make them pay, and they have seriously genuine authority, and so forth. I have challenged numerous (so-called) ‘court’ at various locations over the years, but NONE OF THEM could ever provide anything to claim they are genuine!!
Send me such COUNTER EVIDENCE to prove the authenticity of your client and their co-conspirators that they don’t have, which NO ONE CAN EVER PROVIDE FOR YEARS within 14 days. Since it’d take time for me to prepare printing out etc., so I generously give you one day extra, therefore by 13th of July, 2023.
Last but not least, I enclose the copy of the Agreement I made with your client (#6). When you cannot provide any COUNTER EVIDENCE, make sure that they return all the money they swindled off me as they agreed.
(end copy&paste)

As usual, I use any opportunity to wake up more like posties,

And as expected, nothing came my way by the deadline, or even today, so I wrote:
18 July, 2023
Julie Ruzeu, the Traitor
Senior Paralegal
CLH Lawyers
Level 2, 577 Little Burke Street
Melbourne, Vic 3000
Ben Shepherd - Registrar the Traitor and
Anthony Gwynne - Judicial Registrar the Traitor
Latrobe Valley Court
134 Commercial Road
Morwell, Vic 3840
Baw Baw Shire the Traitors
Civic Place
Warragul, Vic 3820
RE: Your Ref:
Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal,
Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent
Dear Julie and others,
In my letter dated 28 June, 2023, I demanded you to show me some verifiable and sufficient COUNTER evidence to prove what you were telling me is genuinely justifiable. I set the deadline as “by 13th of July, 2023”.
However, I have received nothing to this date, which proved yet again, that you are all shocking TRAITORS.
(end copy&paste)

I also got another FAKE parking fine from yet another FAKE local government, so I wrote back to them, as I showed you - the Notice of Demand

How to REFUSE fraudulent demand of the Traitors - FAKE Parking Fine #3
9/11 Truth Australia
2023年1月16日 17:34
At the same time, I got another FAKE notice from the water COMPANY, so I did the same (the envelope to them shown above)

enclosing the Agreement I made with them,

We really have to fight back in order to stop these criminals!!
As I’ve been telling you for years, we should use their FRAUD of GOVisCO the other way round to DISOBEY and STOP giving our power (money & vote) to them.
One more for today.
On the local paper, I saw a story of over 80 year old woman with disability card (or whatever they call) got $180+ parking fine only because her card fell on the floor of the car and was not displayed when the FAKE warden came around. Her daughter was complaining about this super unfair (FAKE) fine and saying they were to go to court (of the Admiralty Law) to dispute.
So I wrote to the Editor and said, including my reply to another one at the beginning:
To Frank Carleton in Longwarry. Voting is the biggest mistake we the people have been making by getting misled by the traitors. While giving us an illusion that we are participating in politics, it’s actually stealing our power, giving it to liars who lie through their teeth, so that they can keep committing shocking crimes upon us one after another, after any election which is rigged anyway.
To Carolyn Gorman in Drouin. Don’t pay such super unfair, unreasonable, and unlawful, unconstitutional FAKE fine ever. Greedy Baw Baw Shire the COMPANY doesn’t own any road therefore not entitled to charge any fine to anybody to begin with. Do not go to court the COMPANY either. That’s where they find you guilty and make you pay because they do not practice the Common Law.
(end copy&paste)
The editor omitted a lot and changed it to much milder, but published it!!

She (the editor) never published any of my letters during this Corona SCAMdemic, so despite the alteration, this was a good step, I should say.
Another one I’ve got to write more is the sequel of
Mystery of utility bills - No answer to plain, simple questions
2022年11月14日 17:06

and about that “off the grid” that Illuminati indoctrinated in our mind via so many movies, related with
”Row, row, row your boat” & My battle against evil Masons & Those who were killed
2023年6月6日 18:00
So, till the next post, please keep doing your bits to wake up more, and be sure to have some sign on your car, bag, or whatever you carry around to give hint to others, that you can be comfortable enough.
I tell you one thing, though I have so many signs on my car, the FAKE police never stopped me because of them, and when they stop me for whatever test they have to make their mates/makers of those test kits richer, they never pay attention to them either.
Once, a FAKE officer said to me, “So we are bandits, eh?”
So I said to him, “Look, Victoria Police is a COMPANY. You can see it there” and pointed right behind me, the right rear window which has got that print out. And said, “You should ask your boss!” And then, he just walked away. ;o)
Also they never ask or accuse me for NOT paying their FAKE fines over 7 years. I assume my record of that doesn’t show up on their machine. So nothing to be scared of. As a matter of fact, THEY are scared of us!! So please have something to make others THINK.
Last but not least, make sure to say the Secret everyday, with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing it’s already happened.

And keep using cash!! though money itself is a FRAUD just like the system called ‘Government’. I watched below 12 years ago.
Money as Debt