
ルールは「作ったもん勝ち」 ~国際海運業界の排出規制をめぐる事情を学ぶ

【論文メモ】Renewable ammonia as an alternative fuel for the shipping industry (Al-Aboosi et al., 2021)

【論文メモ】Financing a sustainable ocean economy (Sumaila et al., 2021)

【論文メモ】Norwegian ship-owners' adoption of alternative fuels (Mäkitie et al., 2022)

【論文メモ】Alignments between strategic content and process structure: the case of container terminal service process automation (Wang et al., 2017)

【論文メモ】Comparative life cycle cost analysis of low pressure fuel gas supply systems for LNG fueled ships(Wang et al., 2021)

【論文メモ】Biodiesel as alternative fuel for marine diesel engine applications: A review (Mohd Noor et al., 2018)

【論文メモ】A Literature Survey on Market-Based Measures for the Decarbonization of Shipping (Lagouvardou et al., 2020)

【論文メモ】Decarbonizing the international shipping industry: Solutions and policy recommendations. (Wan et al., 2018)

【論文メモ】Strategic Analysis of the Automation of Container Port Terminals through BOT (Business Observation Tool) (Camarero Orive et al., 2020)

ONE、コンテナ船に1.2兆円超投資 30年度まで


国際海運の新たなGHG削減目標が採択予定~国際海事機関 第80回海洋環境保護委員会(7/3~7/7)の開催~

【論文メモ】Corporate Governance and the Environmental Politics of Shipping (Alger et al., 2021)

【論文メモ】Competitiveness and business strategies of shipping companies (Španja et al., 2017)

【論文メモ②】How to decarbonise international shipping: Options for fuels, technologies and policies (Balcombe et al., 2019)

【論文メモ①】How to decarbonise international shipping: Options for fuels, technologies and policies (Balcombe et al., 2019)

【論文メモ】How shipowners have adapted to sulphur regulations – Evidence from Finnish seaborne trade (Solakivi et al., 2019)

【論文メモ】Optimal portfolio choice for ship leasing investments (Yu et al., 2019)

【論文メモ】Modeling the impacts of alternative emission trading schemes on international shipping (Wang et al., 2015)

【論文メモ】Ports’ role in shipping decarbonisation: A common port incentive scheme for shipping greenhouse gas emissions reduction (Alamoush et al., 2022)

【論文メモ】Poseidon Principles: Legal Directions for Implementation & Enforcement (Rebelo, 2020)

【論文メモ】Assessment of full life-cycle air emissions of alternative shipping fuels (Gilbert, 2018)
