[09:46] In the Republican presidential race, the powerful Koch network formally endorsed former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley today, lending her an army of activists and a huge fund-raising boost. The conservative group led by billionaire Charles Koch argues that former President Trump cannot beat President Biden. Haley has been rising in the polls, but remains far behind Mr. Trump.
[12:17]★今日のおすすめ★ Texas Supreme Court hears case brought by women denied abortions despite risks to health テキサス州最高裁審理:中絶禁止の州法は妊娠合併症の女性にとって危険か/原告女性と主任弁護士に聞く
[13:51] I was 18 weeks pregnant at that point and trying to -- like, I was worried I was going to be too far along. It was a whole thing. And so I tried to find another clinic in New Mexico that was available, and there was none.
[** far along = advanced in pregnancy ]
[** a whole thing = a complicated situation (thefreedictionary) ]
[19:17] Faith, service and duty at center of memorial for Rosalynn Carter ロザリン・カーター元大統領夫人への追悼が続く
[23:43]★今日のおすすめ★ What makes nurses vulnerable to burnout and how it impacts the care they provide 看護師の「燃え尽き」と患者のケアへの影響
[27:32] STEPHANIE SY: Taylor Schwein is a psychiatric nurse practitioner in training.
[29:06] BERNADETTE MELNYK: These things work. Mindfulness is evidence-based, really decreases stress and anxiety, cognitive behavior skills building, and that is all about teaching people to catch, check, and change automatic, unhelpful thoughts.
[** mindfulness= (Psychology) the practice of giving complete and non-judgmental attention to one's present experience, used as a stress-reduction technique (Merriam-Webster); マインドフルネス,自分の身に今起きていることに意識を集中させて,自分の感情・思考・感覚を冷静に認識して,現実を受け入れること (『英辞郎』) ]
[30:14] SARAH KINCAID: You have this moral obligation to assist patients in achieving their health and wellness. When you can't do that because of systems that are in place, that's where that distress comes from. That's where that frustration, that burnout -- there's only so many times you can hit your head against a wall. STEPHANIE SY: Researchers call this feeling moral injury and find it can lead clinicians to depression and even post-traumatic stress disorder.
[** moral injury = A moral injury is an injury to an individual's moral conscience and values resulting from an act of perceived moral transgression on the part of themselves or others. It produces profound feelings of guilt or shame, moral disorientation, and societal alienation. In some cases it may cause a sense of betrayal and anger toward colleagues, commanders, the organization, politics, or society at large... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_injury ]
[32:05] Kentucky writing program amplifies unheard voices through the power of publishing 普通の人が書く並外れたストーリー/ケンタッキー州の執筆プログラム
[39:44] A Brief But Spectacular take on nourishing the mind, body and soul 教会を通して食事の不足と健康を改善する
[43:25] Why cricket is having a resurgence in popularity in America 再放送: アメリカでクリケット人気復活
[50:17]★今日のおすすめ★ Remains of 5 Native Americans returned home 120 years after graves were looted 盗掘から120年ぶりに戻った5人のネイティブアメリカンの遺骨
[53:28] That agency complied with a federal law called the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. It requires institutions that are federally funded or located on federal land to identify and return indigenous ancestral remains and objects to the Native nations to which they belong.