

PBS News Weekend June 4, 2023





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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[01:56] 今日の主要ニュース

[04:25] >> I do know that speaker McCarthy has credibility issues. We continue to see the swamp [*swamp 沼。腐敗したワシントンを沼にたとえることがある。 < to drain the swamp = 沼さらいをする。沼を干す。ワシントンの腐敗を一掃する。 < The phrase drain the swamp was originally popularized to reference the literal removal of water from marshy areas. Removing the water would also remove mosquitos, alligators, and other creatures that depended on the water.
Drain the swamp has since been adopted by politicians who use the phrase as a metaphor that means to “root out corruption.” You may have heard that drain the swamp is a reference to the United States’ capital, Washington, D.C., being built on swampland; however, that myth has been debunked.
https://www.dictionary.com/e/politics/drain-the-swamp/ ] , the folks in Washington, D.C. who want to spend more money, winning, and we continue to see the folks who want to spend less money and really act responsibly losing.

[05:48]★今日のおすすめ★ 低所得者向け公営住宅 住民を守るはずの防犯カメラが住民の処罰や退去理由に使われる実態 The Washington Post紙のDouglas MacMillan記者に聞く

[09:24] So in the past two or three years now, that money that you -- people used to get your basic camera setup can now get you things like facial recognition or cameras that have software baked into them that can recognize what's going on on the screen in some cases, make determinations about what's going on in the screen and determinations about what it thinks is suspicious.
Lisa: Wow. so that's really sort of a Big Brother [* Big Brother = unwarranted, invasive, and discreet surveillance, especially of a people by its government (wiktionary); an all-powerful government or organization monitoring and directing people's actions (Merriam-Webster); (全体主義政権の)独裁者;独裁主義国家[組織] < George Orwellの小説『1984』から ] factor of what everyone's doing and when in that community.

[11:20] Lisa: You featured a woman who was on her sister's couch [* = (この文脈では)居候している ] , I think, right now.

[12:45]★今日のおすすめ★ ゲーム『ゼルダの伝説』(The Legend of Zelda) 商業的成功にとどまらない影響 ジェンダー・アイデンティティーやLGBTQ+の自己受容過程とオーバーラップ

[20:00] 6月はLGBTQプライド月間 脚本家・公民権運動家Lorraine Hansberry

[19:59] Lisa: For this Pride Month [* = The month of June, declared for LGBT pride in commemoration of the Stonewall riots of June 1969.(wiktionary) < Stonewall riots https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonewall_riots ] , as part of our series “Hidden Histories,” Ali Rogin is back with a look at a playwright and civil rights activist who gave new voice to countless marginalized artists who were women, black, and queer.


■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News
